Mario Sendra
Distribucion final de referencia para el problema de Fieller-Creasy
The problem of making inferences about the ratio of two normal populations is usually known as the Fieller-Creasy problem, and it gave rise to a controversy among fiducialists and confidence-intervalists. A Bayesian solution to such a problem when the two normal populations have the same unknown variance was presented by Bernardo (1977) using reference non-informative prior distributions. The solution to the case in which the variances are not assumed equal is obtained here. Some numerical results for artificial populations are given
The Effects of Selective Stellate Ganglion Manipulation on Ventricular Refractoriness and Excitability
The effects of selective stellate ganglion stimulation or stellectomy on ventricular excitability were studied in 30 open chest mongrel dogs anesthetized with alpha-chloralose. The effective refractory period (ERP) and strength interval curves (stimulus intensity [S2] = twice the diastolic threshold [ERP], and 2, 3, 5, 7, and 14 mA) were determined using bipolar epicardial electrodes placed in the mid-anterior wall of the right ventricle (RV) and the mid-posterolateral wall of the left ventricle (LV) during left stellate ganglion stimulation (LSGSt, n = 8) or right stellate ganglion stimulation (RSGSt, n = 8), or after left stellectomy (LSGEx, n = 7) or right stellectomy (RSGEx, n = 7). LSG…