Spiking dynamics of frequency up-converted field generated in continuous-wave excited rubidium vapours
We report on spiking dynamics of frequency up-converted emission at 420 nm generated on the 6P3/2-5S1/2 transition in Rb vapour two-photon excited to the 5D5/2 level with laser light at 780 and 776 nm. The spike duration is less than the natural lifetime of any excited level involved in the interaction with both continuous and pulsed pump radiation. The spikes at 420 nm are attributed to temporal properties of the directional emission at 5.23 {\mu}m generated on the population inverted 5D5/2-6P3/2 transition. A link between the spiking regime and cooperative effects is discussed. We suggest that the observed stochastic behaviour is due to the quantum-mechanical nature of the cooperative eff…