Medial gastrocnemius muscle and tendon interaction during gait in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy
1. IntroductionEfficient gait is dependent on optimal interaction between musclesand tendons [1]. Pathological changes in the extensibility of the MGmuscle fascicles, whole muscle-belly and Achilles tendon have beenreported in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) [2]. Studying therelative length of these tissues during gait can improve our understandingof their dynamics and, inferably, the control strategies used inCP. In-vivo dynamic ultrasound imaging has been used to visualise theinteraction between the MG muscle and tendon during 3D gait analysis.However, most studies combined ultrasound imaging of one variable(either fascicles or muscle-belly and tendon) with some form ofmusculosk…