Artemisia arborescens essential oil composition, enantiomeric distribution and antimicrobial activity from different wild populations from the Mediterranean Area
International audience; Aerial parts of Artemisiaarborescens were collected from different sites of the Mediterranean area (southwestern Algeria and southern Italy) and the chemical composition of their essential oil (EO) extracted by hydrodistillation was studied by both gas chromatography (GC) equipped with an enantioselective capillary column and GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The EOs obtained were tested against several Listeriamonocytogenes strains. Using GC and GC/MS, 41 compounds were identified, accounting for 96.0-98.8% of the total EO. All EOs showed a similar terpene profile, which was rich in chamazulene, -thujone, and camphor. However, the concentration of such compounds varied …
Propagation of Artemisia Arborescens L. by stem-cutting: Adventitious root formation under different conditions
Artemisia arborescens L. has gained a strong importance worldwide due to its many industrial uses and it has been recently considered as ornamental plant. A major constraint to its widespread cultivation is represented, by far, by the scarce availability of high-quality plant material for field establishment; hence, development of a fast and effective methods for its vegetative propagation is needed. An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of different harvest periods, NAA, and rooting substrates on rooting of stem cuttings of A. arborescens. Semi hardwood cuttings were collected from wild plants in February, April, and November. Half of the material was treated with 0.4% NAA and …