Christina Bartusch
Rab33B Controls Hepatitis B Virus Assembly by Regulating Core Membrane Association and Nucleocapsid Processing
Many viruses take advantage of cellular trafficking machineries to assemble and release new infectious particles. Using RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that the Golgi/autophagosome-associated Rab33B is required for hepatitis B virus (HBV) propagation in hepatoma cell lines. While Rab33B is dispensable for the secretion of HBV subviral envelope particles, its knockdown reduced the virus yield to 20% and inhibited nucleocapsid (NC) formation and/or NC trafficking. The overexpression of a GDP-restricted Rab33B mutant phenocopied the effect of deficit Rab33B, indicating that Rab33B-specific effector proteins may be involved. Moreover, we found that HBV replication enhanced Rab33B expres…
ESCRT Requirements for Murine Leukemia Virus Release
The Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) is a gammaretrovirus that hijack host components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) for budding. To determine the minimal requirements for ESCRT factors in MLV viral and viral-like particles (VLP) release, an siRNA knockdown screen of ESCRT(-associated) proteins was performed in MLV-producing human cells. We found that MLV VLPs and virions primarily engage the ESCRT-I factor Tsg101 and marginally the ESCRT-associated adaptors Nedd4-1 and Alix to enter the ESCRT pathway. Conversely, the inactivation of ESCRT-II had no impact on VLP and virion egress. By analyzing the effects of individual ESCRT-III knockdowns, VLP and virion releas…
Hepatitis B Virus Subverts the Autophagy Elongation Complex Atg5-12/16L1 and Does Not Require Atg8/LC3 Lipidation for Viral Maturation
ABSTRACT Previous studies indicated that hepatitis B virus (HBV) stimulates autophagy to favor its production. To understand how HBV co-opts autophagy as a proviral machinery, we studied the roles of key autophagy proteins in HBV-replicating liver cell cultures. RNA interference-mediated silencing of Atg5, Atg12, and Atg16L1, which promote autophagophore expansion and LC3 membrane conjugation, interfered with viral core/nucleocapsid (NC) formation/stability and strongly diminished virus yields. Concomitantly, the core/NC membrane association and their sorting to envelope-positive compartments were perturbed. A close inspection of the HBV/autophagy cross talk revealed that the virus depended…