Jorge Sáiz
Narrative inquiry and historical skills. A study in teacher training
This paper addresses narrative thinking and literacy levels in future primary school teachers in Spain. It uses the study of a historical synthesis of one of the main narratives in Spanish history: the Christian expansion through Muslim territories in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages. Accounts by 283 students of the degree in elementary school teaching at the universities of Valencia and Murcia were studied. The aim was to ascertain the students' discursive abilities with respect to their historical thinking skills. The results reveal poor narrative skills in future teachers and a very low level of historical literacy.
Nobleza y expansión militar de la Corona de Aragón: La nobleza valenciana en las guerras del rey (1420-1448)
This article studies the role of the nobility in the XV century military expansion of the Crown of Aragon, through the particular case of the valencian nobility and the Alphonse V the Magnanimous's war cycle betwen the years 1420 and 1448. If s first analyzed the development of the royal campaigns. Then, the Valencian lineages are identified, also precising their particular degree of involvement in the royal wars. The study is based upon the registers of the Royal Treasury and Cancillery, supplemented by notarial and judicial records, and the chronicles. The militarization of the nobility was unequal. The majority of the noblemen were involved occasionally in the royal wars, more as an soci…