M. Di Gangi
Acute pancreatitis in children and rotavirus infection. Description of a case and minireview
In this article, we describe a case of acute pancreatitis occurred on a 2-year-old boy following rotavirus gastroenteritis. Its characteristics are analyzed and contextualized among those of other 4 cases of pancreatitis associated with rotavirus infection found through a systematic review of the international literature. None of the five children underwent surgery or was referred to an intensive care unit and all the 5 children cured with normalization of pancreatic enzyme within 5-10 days. The pathogenesis of this rare complication remains to be cleared, and its actual incidence may be higher than that reported. Although acute pancreatitis associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis seems t…
Modellare l’incertezza nel decision making
Sviluppi della Intelligenza Computazionale: l'esempio del Sarcasm Detection
Dopo un periodo prolungato in cui vigeva uno scarto persistente tra l’ottimismo dato dai grandi proclami di ricerca e la scarsità e frammentarietà di risultati veri e tangibili, viviamo (finalmente) nell’era delle grandi conquiste dell’Intelligenza Artificiale
Sorveglianza molecolare delle gastroenteriti da rotavirus in Sicilia
Deep Learning Architectures for DNA Sequence Classification
DNA sequence classification is a key task in a generic computational framework for biomedical data analysis, and in recent years several machine learning technique have been adopted to successful accomplish with this task. Anyway, the main difficulty behind the problem remains the feature selection process. Sequences do not have explicit features, and the commonly used representations introduce the main drawback of the high dimensionality. For sure, machine learning method devoted to supervised classification tasks are strongly dependent on the feature extraction step, and in order to build a good representation it is necessary to recognize and measure meaningful details of the items to cla…