F Triolo
Possible pharmacological interaction between corticosteroids and a calcineurin inhibitor (tacrolimus) in liver transplant patients.
Inclusion of Trehalose (TRH) into liposomes to regulate uptake of this cryoprotectant into human hepatocytes.
Purpose. Problems with the limited availability of human hepatocytes for cell transplantation may be overcome by improving the efficiency of their cryopreservation. TRH-loaded liposomes could enhance epatocyte viability by regulating the intracellular uptake of the cryoprotectant [1]. Methods. TRH-loaded liposomes were prepared by film hydration method (EPC, sodium cholate, 200mM TRH solution) [2]. Liposomal size was determined by dynamic light scattering. Intraliposomal TRH content was measured using the Megazyme spectrophotometric method. After incubation (1-5 h, 37°C, 5% CO2, 95% RH) of human hepatocytes with TRH-loaded liposomes or equivalent TRH solution, intracellular sugar content wa…