M. Koch

Soil mutagens are airborne mutagens: variation of mutagenic activities induced in Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 by organic extracts of agricultural and forest soils in dependence on location and season.

As our hypothesis was that soil mutagens are airborne mutagens, possibly modified by soil microorganisms, we checked solvent extracts from agricultural and forest soils collected during late summer in the environment of Mainz, a region highly charged by anthropogenic air pollution, or near Bayreuth, a rural low charged region of Germany, or in a remote region of western Corsica without anthropogenic air pollution for the presence of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium. Levels of mutagenic activities were quantified by calculation of revertants/g from the initial slope of dose-response curves applying tester strains S. typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 in the absence and presence of an activat…

research product

Undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment-week 8 results in high-sustained virological response in HCV G1 treatment-experienced patients with advanced liver disease: The International Italian/Spanish Boceprevir/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Name Patients Program

In many countries, first-generation protease inhibitors (PIs)/peginterferon/ribavirin (P/R) still represent the only treatment option for HCV-infected patients. Subjects with advanced disease and previous failure to P/R urgently need therapy, but they are under-represented in clinical trials. All treatment-experienced F3/4 Metavir patients who received boceprevir (BOC)+P/R in the Italian-Spanish Name Patient Program have been included in this study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis (MLR) was used to identify baseline and on-treatment predictors of SVR and adverse events (AEs). Four hundred and sixteen patients, mean age 57.7 (range 25-78 years), 70% males, 69.5% (289/416) F4, 14% (…

research product

Endoscopic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common chronic disorder which has a severe effect on the patient's quality of life. In view of the high cost of medical therapy and the limitations of surgery, a variety of endoscopic techniques have been developed for the treatment of this condition, and these have shown apparently encouraging results, at least in the short term. However, promising results have been obtained in only around two-thirds of patients over a short-term follow-up period of about 6 months. Moreover, several inconsistencies have emerged between the efficacy of this form of treatment in improving symptoms and quality of life and a lack of improvement of objective parameters, such…

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DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear e(+)e(-) Collider

arXiv:1212.2160v1.-- et al.

research product

Letaler Verlauf einer Meningokokkensepsis?das Waterhouse-Friderichsen-Syndrom

Wir berichten uber einen 59-jahrigen Patienten, der nach unspezifischem Infekt der oberen Atemwege somnolent und hochfiebernd in unserer Klinik aufgenommen wurde. Innerhalb von Stunden entwickelte sich ein Waterhouse-Friderichsen-Syndrom als Sonderform der Meningokokkensepsis. Bei Auftreten von septischem Schock und disseminierter intravasaler Gerinnung verlauft die Krankheit trotz maximaler intensivmedizinischer Therapie in 85 –90% letal. Entscheidend fur einen Therapieerfolg sind die fruhestmogliche Diagnosestellung und die fruhzeitige Antibiotikagabe. Enge Kontaktpersonen sollten umgehend eine Antibiotikaprophylaxe erhalten.

research product


Background and Aims: To maximize cost/efficay of boceprevirbased triple therapy (BOC) in patients with HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis. Methods: ITT SVR12, safety and futility rules value were evaluated in the multicenter national Italian and Spanish early access Name- Patient-Program which includes treatment-experienced patients with HCVG1-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis (Metavir F3/4) treated with BOC in both countries. Results: 402 patients (mean age 55 years; range 22–75), 316 (78.6%) G1b, 255 (63.4%) F4, 60 (30.9%) with oesophageal varices, 137 (34.1%) relapsers, 95 (23.6%) partial and 168 (41.8%) null responders were enrolled. Platelets count <100,000 and albumin levels <3…

research product

Scientific Proceedings Second International Symposium on Cytostatic Drug Resistance

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