Mireia Ferri Sanz

Evaluating Socio-economic Impact of Age-Friendly Environments

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2007), physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous. Health and well-being are not only determined by our personal characteristics but also by the envi-ronment where we were born and where we live throughout our life (WHO 2015). In fact, promoting age-friendly environments (AFE) is the most effective approach for responding to demographic change because they empower elderly people to age in better health, they pro-mote their social inclusion and active participation, and they help them to live autonomously into old age (Parent 2012). AFE foster health, well-being and t…

research product

Mapa de las políticas de turismo social accesible en Europa: estrategia de política social para el envejecimiento activo y saludable

Europa está viviendo un proceso de envejecimiento de la población que provoca que la proporción de personas mayores va a verse incrementada desde un 17,50% en 2011 hasta un 29,50% en 2060 (Eurostat, 2012a). En España la tendencia sigue el mismo patrón, las personas mayores de 65 años representan actualmente el 17,40% de la población (Abellán y Ayala, 2012) y se espera que aumenten hasta un 36,00% en 2060 (Allen y Lanzieri, 2008). Del mismo modo, las proyecciones revelan que el número de personas con discapacidad va a verse acrecentado en las próximas décadas debido al envejecimiento de la población (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, 2007) y a una mayor prevalenc…

research product

Engaging People and Co-Producing Research with Persons and Communities to Foster Person-Centred Care: A Meta-Synthesis

Introduction: Engagement and co-production in healthcare research and innovation are crucial for delivering person-centred interventions in underserved communities, but the knowledge of effective strategies to target this population is still vague, limiting the provision of person-centred care. Our research aimed to identify essential knowledge to foster engagement and co-production. Materials and Methods: A meta-synthesis research design was used to compile existing qualitative research papers on health communication, engagement, and empowerment in vulnerable groups in high-income countries (HICs) from 2008 to 2018. A total of 23 papers were selected and analysed. Results: ‘Design and recr…

research product

Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing

Recent research in social tourism notes possible links between tourism participation and improvements in health. However, there is a lack of quantitative evidence concerning the potential links between tourism participation and self-reported health amongst older people. An ageing society requires measures to promote independent living and enhance older people's quality of life. This paper provides evidence that older tourists are more active and healthy than non-tourists, from a study comparing health perceptions amongst Spanish older people. The results provide tentative conclusions of causal relationships between tourism and dimensions of physical and mental health through a Structural Eq…

research product

Necesidades en salud de los inmigrantes de europa del este: hacia un modelo comunitario de educación en salud

El artículo presenta resultados preliminares del proyecto MEET (Meeting the health literacy needs of immigrant population) realizado en el marco del programa de la Comisión Europea «Life Long Learning /Grundvigt Programme» (ref: 540139-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP) por un equipo de especialistas de cinco países europeos (Italia, Austria, Chipre Reino Unido y España). El objetivo del proyecto es aplicar un modelo innovador comunitario de educación en salud (Community-based Health EducationCHE) que abarca a profesionales de la sanidad y a miembros de la comunidad inmigrante de cara a que estos adquieran competencias sobre salud y sobre los servicios de atención sanitaria. La primera fase del…

research product

Service Quality Scales and Tourists with Special Needs: A Systematic Review

This paper reviews the most commonly used scales for measuring service quality in sustainable tourism destinations to analyse if the requirements of tourists with special needs are considered. Results highlight that most of the recent research on service quality in tourism published in scientific journals is focused on a relative reduced number of validated scales. Variables related to tourists with special needs are often omitted or represent a reduced weight in the complete scale. Thus, this paper highlights the importance of including variables that collect the perceptions of service quality in this target group to better understand the individual perception of service quality and to mov…

research product

El Turismo Social Accesible como estrategia de envejecimiento activo y saludable

El turismo social accesible como estrategia de envejecimiento activo y saludable

research product

Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing

Recent research in social tourism notes possible links between tourism participation and improvements in health. However, there is a lack of quantitative evidence concerning the potential links between tourism participation and self-reported health amongst older people. An ageing society requires measures to promote independent living and enhance older people's quality of life. This paper provides evidence that older tourists are more active and healthy than non-tourists, from a study comparing health perceptions amongst Spanish older people. The results provide tentative conclusions of causal relationships between tourism and dimensions of physical and mental health through a Structural Eq…

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El turismo como estrategia de envejecimiento activo y saludable: efectos del turismo en la salud de las personas mayores

research product

Revised complementary materials: Engaging people and co-producing research with persons and communities to foster person-centred care: a meta-synthesis [Dataset]

Revisión de los materiales complementarios para el artículo 'Engaging people and co-producing research with persons and communities to foster person-centred care: a meta-synthesis' que incluyen las tables con las citas originales y las referencias bibliográficas incluidas en la muestra. Revision of complementary materials for the article 'Engaging people and co-producing research with persons and communities to foster person-centred care: a meta-synthesis' (pending to be submitted) which include references and original quotations extracted from the articles analysed.

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