Beneficial effect of dipyridyl, a liposoluble iron chelator against focal cerebral ischemia: In vivo and in vitro evidence of protection of cerebral endothelial cells
Whereas iron chelators were shown to induce neuroprotection against brain injury, the effect of iron chelators on ischemia-induced damage of cerebral endothelium is largely unknown. Our objective was to explore the endothelioprotective effect of the lipophilic iron chelator dipyridyl (DP) (i) in vitro on the death of cerebral endothelial cells (CECs) subjected to intracellular iron loading and (ii) in vivo on the ischemia-induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. When given shortly after iron exposure or brain ischemia, DP prevented the death of CECs and diminished BBB disruption, respectively, whereas a delayed administration of DP was associated with a lower CECs protection. Interesti…