Andreas Haller

Detecting topology through dynamics in interacting fermionic wires

We describe a protocol to read out the topological invariant of interacting 1D chiral models, based on measuring the mean chiral displacement of time-evolving bulk excitations. We present analytical calculations and numerical Matrix Product State simulations of interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) chains, demonstrating how the mean chiral displacement allows to distinguish between topological insulator, trivial insulator and symmetry-broken phases. Finally, we provide an experimental blueprint for realizing a model displaying these three phases and describe how to detect those.

research product

Supersolid-superfluid phase separation in the extended Bose-Hubbard model

Recent studies have suggested a new phase in the extended Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension at integer filling [1,2]. In this work, we show that this new phase is phase-separated into a supersolid and superfluid part, generated by mechanical instability. Numerical simulations are performed by means of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm in terms of matrix product states. In the phase-separated phase and the adjacent homogeneous superfluid and supersolid phases, we find peculiar spatial patterns in the entanglement spectrum and string-order correlation functions and show that they survive in the thermodynamic limit. In particular, we demonstrate that the elementary excitatio…

research product

Exploring helical phases of matter in bosonic ladders

Ladder models of ultracold atoms offer a versatile platform for the experimental and theoretical study of different phenomena and phases of matter linked to the interplay between artificial gauge fields and interactions. Strongly correlated helical states are known to appear for specific ratios of the particle and magnetic flux densities and they can often be interpreted as a one-dimensional limit of fractional quantum Hall states, thus being called pretopological. Their signatures, however, are typically hard to observe due to the small gaps characterizing these states. Here we investigate bosonic ladder models at filling factor 1. Based on bosonization, renormalization group and matrix pr…

research product

Designing biochar properties through the blending of biomass feedstock with metals: Impact on oxyanions adsorption behavior

Metal-blending of biomass prior to pyrolysis is investigated in this work as a tool to modify biochar physico-chemical properties and its behavior as adsorbent. Six different compounds were used for metal-blending: AlCl3, Cu(OH)2, FeSO4, KCl, MgCl2 and Mg(OH)2. Pyrolysis experiments were performed at 400 and 700 °C and the characterization of biochar properties included: elemental composition, thermal stability, surface area and pore size distribution, Zeta potential, redox potential, chemical structure (with nuclear magnetic resonance) and adsorption behavior of arsenate, phosphate and nitrate. Metalblending strongly affected biochars' surface charge and redox potential. Moreover, it incre…

research product

Quantum criticality on a chiral ladder: An SU(2) infinite density matrix renormalization group study

In this paper we study the ground-state properties of a ladder Hamiltonian with chiral $\text{SU}(2)$-invariant spin interactions, a possible first step toward the construction of truly two-dimensional nontrivial systems with chiral properties starting from quasi-one-dimensional ones. Our analysis uses a recent implementation by us of $\text{SU}(2)$ symmetry in tensor network algorithms, specifically for infinite density matrix renormalization group. After a preliminary analysis with Kadanoff coarse graining and exact diagonalization for a small-size system, we discuss its bosonization and recap the continuum limit of the model to show that it corresponds to a conformal field theory, in agr…

research product

The resonant state at filling factor {\nu} = 1/2 in chiral fermionic ladders

Helical liquids have been experimentally detected in both nanowires and ultracold atomic chains as the result of strong spin-orbit interactions. In both cases the inner degrees of freedom can be considered as an additional space dimension, providing an interpretation of these systems as synthetic ladders, with artificial magnetic fluxes determined by the spin-orbit terms. In this work, we characterize the helical state which appears at filling $\nu=1/2$: this state is generated by a gap arising in the spin sector of the corresponding Luttinger liquid and it can be interpreted as the one-dimensional (1D) limit of a fractional quantum Hall state of bosonic pairs of fermions. We study its main…

research product

Drude weight increase by orbital and repulsive interactions in fermionic ladders

In strictly one-dimensional systems, repulsive interactions tend to reduce particle mobility on a lattice. Therefore, the Drude weight, controlling the divergence at zero-frequency of optical conductivities in perfect conductors, is lower than in non-interacting cases. We show that this is not the case when extending to quasi one-dimensional ladder systems. Relying on bosonization, perturbative and matrix product states (MPS) calculations, we show that nearest-neighbor interactions and magnetic fluxes provide a bias between back- and forward-scattering processes, leading to linear corrections to the Drude weight in the interaction strength. As a consequence, Drude weights counter-intuitivel…

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