Semiquantitative assessment of pre-core stop-codon mutant and wildtype hepatitis B virus during the course of chronic hepatitis B using a new PCR-based assay
In most patients with chronic hepatitis B positive for antibodies (anti-HBe) to HBe antigen (HBeAg), a pre-core mutant hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a point-mutation at nt. 1896 can be isolated. Clinical significance of the mutant virus in chronic hepatitis B is not proven yet, and screening of large numbers of sera during different clinical courses of numerous patients is necessary. We therefore aimed to develop a fast and reliable assay, that allows to discriminate wildtype from nt. 1896 G-->A mutant HBV and to determine the ratio of mutant and wildtype HBV in patients' sera. A mutation specific polymerase chain reaction (ms PCR) with new primers served to distinguish nt. 1896 G-->A mutant…