Carles Milián

Polychromatic Cherenkov radiation and supercontinuum in tapered optical fibers

We numerically demonstrate that bright solitons in tapered optical fibers can emit polychromatic Cherenkov radiation providing they remain spectrally close to the zero dispersion wavelength during propagation along the fiber. The prime role in this phenomenon is played by the soliton self-frequency shift driving efficiency of the radiation and tuning of its frequency. Depending on tapering and input pulse power, the radiation is emitted either as a train of pulses at different frequencies or as a single temporally broad and strongly chirped pulse.

research product

Continuum generation by dark solitons

We demonstrate that the dark soliton trains in optical fibers with a zero of the group velocity dispersion can generate broad spectral distribution (continuum) associated with the resonant dispersive radiation emitted by solitons. This radiation is either enhanced or suppressed by the Raman scattering depending on the sign of the third order dispersion.

research product

Maxwell's equations approach to soliton excitations of surface plasmonic resonances

We demonstrate that soliton-plasmon bound states appear naturally as propagating eigenmodes of nonlinear Maxwell's equations for a metal/dielectric/Kerr interface. By means of a variational method, we give an explicit and simplified expression for the full-vector nonlinear operator of the system. Soliplasmon states (propagating surface soliton-plasmon modes) can be then analytically calculated as eigenmodes of this non-selfadjoint operator. The theoretical treatment of the system predicts the key features of the stationary solutions and gives physical insight to understand the inherent stability and dynamics observed by means of finite element numerical modeling of the time independent nonl…

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