Brain abscess formation within an endodermal cyst of the frontal lobe: case report.
A 38-year-old man with a right frontal lobe cyst was treated by endoscopic cystoventriculostomy in 1998. Cyst capsule histology revealed surprisingly an endodermal cyst. The patient was reoperated for cyst expansion by endoscopic re-cystoventriculostomy in 2005. In 2007, the patient suffered from brain abscess formation within the cyst which was punctured. The history was positive for a dental infection. In 2008, a recurrent brain abscess in the cyst occurred. The cyst was completely resected. There was no history of trauma or sinusitis. In all, endodermal cysts may mimic a paraxial arachnoid cyst. It may predispose for recurrent brain abscess formation - especially due to bacteraemia. This…