B Salerno
Determinazione del tempo di permanenza in acqua in base allo sviluppo di mitili impiantatisi su cadavere scheletrizzato e saponificato.
C10) DETERMINAZIONE DEL TEMPO DI PERMANENZA IN ACQUA IN BASE ALLO SVILUPPO DI MITILI IMPIANTATISI SU CADAVERE SCHELETRIZZATO E SAPONIFICATO L. Milone (*) – S. Procaccianti (*) – M. Grillo (*) – B. Salerno (**) - E. Carra (**) (*) Dipartimento Di Biopatologia E Biotecnologie Mediche E Forensi – Sezione Di Medicina Legale – Liviomilone@Virgilio.It - (**) Dipartimento Di Biologia Cellulare E Dello Sviluppo – Universita’ Degli Studi Di Palermo Introduzione: La valutazione tanatocronologica di cadaveri in avanzato stato di putrefazione, dovuto alla lunga permanenza in acqua salata, pone non pochi problemi al patologo forense che deve risalire all’epoca del decesso, che spesso viene indicata solt…
DNA extraction from phytoseiid specimens preserved on a glass slide and molecular diagnostic
This study focuses on the diagnostic of seven species of mite belonging to the family of Phytoseiidae; very important biocontrol agents of phytophagous mites. However, they are morphologically very similar and specific diagnostic is very difficult in fact using the traditional identification methods it is uncertain to identify a species especially when Authors use different characters, very often not stable in the time. In the 60’s M.me Athias-Henriot took into consideration the insemination apparatus that is considered a stable character in the time. According to her, the shape of this apparatus could be considered a major criterion for genus distinction. The aim of the present study is to…
Study of variability of an endophytic acremonium population in symptomless grapevine
The endophytism of genus Acremonium in symptomless grapevines of several cultivars, grown both in pots or in the field, is reported. The no-tillage management of tested grapevines and the lack of chemical treatments facilitated the investigation of the ecological plant-fungus interaction. The isolates were differentiated at the strain level by vegetative compatibility assay and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses, using a set of four oligo-nucleotide primers. The endophytic Acremonium population in the healthy grapevine object of the survey seemed to show a low variability; all the techniques agreed in grouping the Acremonium strains in three different clusters and no relatio…