Hannah Reich
Introduction. Social Work with newcomers: entering into the field
For about thirty years, Sicily has assumed the role of a gateway from Africa to Europe, acting as a bridge between cultures, ethnic groups and religions. When we talk about immigration in Sicily, therefore, we are referring to a structural reality, which the island's inhabitants have generally accepted with a sense of hospitality and openness. It is an interesting observation point from which it is possible to look at the social and political implications generated by immigration movements in the understanding of contemporary migration phenomena.
Newcomers as Agents for Social Change: Learning from the Italian Experience: A Recourse Book for Social Work and Social Work Education in the Field of Migration
This publication is a resource book for Social Workers engaging in the field of migration. It aims to, on the one hand, display facts about the living realities on the ground migrants and Social Workers active in the field are facing, circumstances presented by experienced practitioners and researchers of this field. On the other hand, it presents methods and approaches, extracting them from these experiences and reflections insights, relevant for Social Work and consequently, also significant for Social Work educational practice. The new challenges of the 21st century ask Social Work education for a change, adapting curricula towards more experienced based teaching practices, intercultural…