F. Riggio
Anatomia e patologia del labirinto membranoso studio con sequenze RM sensibili al flusso
Nonostante i deludenti esordi nella valutazione delle strutture labirintiche costituenti l'orecchio interno, la risonanza magnetica costituisce oggi, grazie anche al miglioramento dell'hardware e del software disponibili, una modalità diagnostica di grande efficacia non solo nell'analisi della patologia espansiva o infiammatoria coinvolgente il VII ed VIII nervo cranico, ma anche nella valutazione delle alterazioni patologiche del segnale endolabirintico in rapporto a focolai emorragici o, come recentemente dimostrato mediante uso di Gd-DTPA, nell'analisi delle alterazioni a carico della capsula oticanella fase spongiotica dell'otosclerosi. Tuttavia, lo scarso contrasto esistente tra liqui…
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS): effects on the vestibular system
SUMMARY Aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) on the peripheral and central vestibular system, by means of a case series prospective study at the University referral centre of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; 45 consecutive patients suffering from OSAS were compared with a control group of 30 volunteer subjects selected from among the department employees. Severity of the disease was evaluated by means of cardio-respiratory function monitoring during sleep; the apnoea-hypopnoea index was calculated. Both groups underwent: 1) head and neck examination; 2) fibre-optic examination; 3) pure tone audiometry; 4) evaluation of eye mov…
MRI of the inner ear: use of modified GRASS and fast spin-echo sequences
We report our experience with MRI of the normal and pathological inner ear with fast spin-echo and modified gradient recalled at steady state sequences. Although earlier studies on temporal bone MRI were discouraging, improvements in MR technology combined with the use of paramagnetic contrast media can make MRI a useful diagnostic tool for the assessment of inner ear pathology. Conventional spin-echo imaging seems not to be the modality of choice because of the relatively thick slices and the long acquisition times.
Bipolar Quantum Molecular Resonance versus Blunt Dissection tonsillectomy
Bipolar Quantum Molecular Resonance versus Blunt Dissection tonsillectomy. Objectives: This study compared a quantum molecular resonance tonsillectomy (QMRT) to a standard blunt dissection tonsillectomy (BDT) for effectiveness and safety. Methodology: From January 2011 to September 2012, we recruited 80 children (ages 3 to 16 y) with paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and/or recurrent tonsillitis. Patients were randomly assigned to receive QMRT (N = 40) or BDT (N = 40). The operating time and blood loss during surgery were evaluated. During the first postoperative week, the patients' parents completed a questionnaire to evaluate bleeding, ear and neck pain, nausea, vomiting, inter…