Alessandro Lo Presti
The associations of quantitative/qualitative job insecurity and well-being: The role of self-esteem.
Job insecurity is recognized as one of the most prominent job stressors for employees. Despite decades of research, the concurrent examination of both quantitative (i.e. perceived threat of job loss) and qualitative (i.e., perceived threat of losing some job features) job insecurity and the analysis of their different relationships with well-being at work have received relatively scarce attention. This study examined a moderated mediation model of the relationship between quantitative job insecurity and well-being at work. In doing so, the focus was on the mediating effects of qualitative job insecurity and the moderating effects of self-esteem in the abovementioned relationships. Drawing f…
The Italian Version of the Career Factors Inventory
This study attempted to examine the validity of the Italian version of the Career Factors Inventory (CFI), a psychometric tool widely used in the assessment of cognitive and personal–emotional dimensions of career indecision, among a sample of 2,060 Italian students attending high school and university. Recurring to both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the original four-factor structure was confirmed and returned, in line with the literature, satisfactory reliability indices; moreover, CFI subscales showed intercorrelations consistent with previous studies, albeit lower in some cases. Subsequently, convergent validity between the four CFI subscales and other scales via zero-o…
Autoefficacia nelle scelte di carriera, comportamenti di ricerca lavorativa e disponibilità al trasferimento: un'indagine su un campione di disoccupati
Il presente studio mette in relazione i comportamenti agiti circa la ricerca lavorativa e la disponibilità al trasferimento in un gruppo di soggetti disoccupati. L’indagine è stata condotta su un gruppo di 301 disoccupati siciliani, utilizzando come predittore l’autoefficacia nelle scelte di carriera. I risultati, che hanno confermato molte delle ipotesi assunte, mostrano come l’autoefficacia di carriera predica sia la frequenza dei comportamenti di ricerca lavorativa, sia la disponibilità dei partecipanti al trasferimento di sede per lavoro. I dati hanno mostrato come anche l’età, il livello di istruzione e il periodo di disoccupazione giochino un ruolo significativo. Nella conclusione son…
An Examination of the Structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) Among Italian High School Students
This study aims to evaluate the factor structure of Career Decision Self-Efficacy scale-short form in a sample of Italian high school adolescents. confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the degree to which a one-factor structure and a five-factor structure provided the best fit. In view of available research the five-factor structure was expected to provide the best fit. Moreover, factorial invariance in males and females was tested. It was expected to be invariant across groups. As expected the five-factor structure showed a better fit than the one-factor model and the factorial invariance resulted invariant across boys and girls.