Antoine Godard
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT National project
International audience
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT project. Potential interest in baking
Miraculine is a glycol-protein extracted from the Miracle fruit which is a berry(Synsepalum dulcificum - Sapotaceae family, Daniell-1952). Common names for the miracle fruit are miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry …. It originated from West Africa and is grown under tropical climate. In the 1970s, it has been attempted to commercialize miraculin on a large scale in the United States under the name of Miralin. The FDA allowed and then blocked the development of this new natural sweetener because no non-toxicity test had been performed. At the same time, aspartame was authorized. Today, miraculin is still not permitted in the USA and in Europe (classified as Novel Food). Besides, it …