Melody Smith
Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Abstract Background The IPEN International Physical Activity and Environment Network Adolescent project was conducted using common study protocols to document the strength, shape, and generalizability of associations of perceived neighborhood environment attributes with adolescents’ physical activity and overweight/obesity using data from 15 countries. Countries did not use identical versions of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Youth (NEWS-Y) to measure perceived neighborhood environment attributes. Therefore, this study derived a measurement model for NEWS-Y items common to all IPEN Adolescent countries and developed a scoring protocol for the IPEN Adolescent version of t…
MOESM2 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 2: Table S2. Country-specific scoring of the NEWS-Y-IPEN subscales for pooled analyses in the IPEN Adolescent study.
MOESM1 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 1: Table S1. Adaptation of the NEWS-Y for the IPEN Adolescent study (NEWS-Y-IPEN).