J. Meier

Development of an array of calorimetric low-temperature detectors for heavy ion physics

Abstract Calorimetric low-temperature detectors have been investigated for several applications in heavy ion physics within the last 15 years. The detectors used consist of sapphire absorbers of 2×3×0.33 mm 3 and superconducting aluminum transition edge sensors operated at T ≈1.5 K. To fully exploit the potential of such detectors for heavy ion physics, a detector array is developed. For this purpose, a specially adapted 4 He bath cryostat with a base temperature of 1.2 K, which allows an active detector area of 30×80 mm 2 , was constructed. As different detectors have different transition temperatures, each detector pixel has to be adjusted to its specific working point and temperature sta…

research product

First application of calorimetric low-temperature detectors in accelerator mass spectrometry

Abstract For the first time, calorimetric low-temperature detectors were applied in accelerator mass spectrometry, a well-known method for determination of very small isotope ratios with high sensitivity. The aim of the experiment was to determine with high accuracy the isotope ratio of 236U/238U for several samples of natural uranium, 236U being known as a sensitive monitor for neutron flux. Measurements were performed at the VERA tandem accelerator at Vienna, Austria. The detectors consist of sapphire absorbers and superconducting transition edge thermometers operated at T≈ 1.5 K. The relative energy resolution obtained for 17.39 MeV 238U is ΔE/E=4–9×10−3, depending on the experimental co…

research product

Noise analysis for calorimetric low-temperature detectors for heavy ions

The energy resolution of calorimetric low-temperature detectors for heavy ions has been analyzed. It is shown that the contribution of base line noise is small. The energy resolution is determined by intrinsic fluctuations of the detector signal. An incomplete energy thermalization during the stopping process of the heavy ion, the dependence of signal shape on impact position and fluctuations of the Al-TES thermometer response are considered as main sources of detector line broadening. Test measurements with 5 MeV α-particles are presented.

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Momentum dependence of the decay η→π+π−π0

Abstract The π 0 momentum dependence of the decay η → π + π − π 0 has been measured with the Crystal Barrel detector. The analysis is based on 3230 events. The results of this independent measurement are compared to new chiral perturbation theory calculations and previous measurements.

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Branching ratios for p annihilation at rest into two-body final states

Abstract Measurements of two-body branching ratios for p p annihilations at rest in liquid and gaseous (12 ρ STP ) hydrogen are reported. Channels studied are p p →π 0 π 0 ,π 0 η , K 0 S K 0 L , K + K − . The branching ratio for the π 0 π 0 channel in liquid H 2 is measured to be ( 6.14±0.40)×10 −4 . The results are compared with those from other experiments. The fraction of P-state annihilation for a range of target densities from 0.002 ρ STP to liquid H 2 is determined. Values obtained include 0.11±0.02 in liquid H 2 and 0.48±0.04 in 12 ρ STP H 2 gas.

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Precise determination of the 1s Lamb Shift in hydrogen-like heavy ions at the ESR storage ring using microcalorimeters

The precise determination of the energy of the Lyman α1 and α2 lines in hydrogen-like heavy ions provides a sensitive test of quantum electrodynamics in very strong Coulomb fields. To improve the precision of such experiments, the new detector concept of microcalorimeters, which detect the temperature change of an absorber after an incoming particle or photon has deposited its energy as heat, is now exploited. The microcalorimeters for x-rays used in these experiments consist of arrays of silicon thermometers and x-ray absorbers made of high-Z material. With such detectors, a relative energy resolution of about 1 per mille is obtained in the energy regime of 50–100 keV. Two successful measu…

research product

Evidence for two isospin zeroJ PC=2−+ mesons at 1645 and 1875 MeV

Data on\(\bar pp \to \eta \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \) taken at beam momenta of 1.2 and 1.94 GeV/c reveal evidence for twoI=0JPC=2−+ resonances inηππ. The first, at 1645±14(stat.)±15(syst.) MeV with width 180−21+40±25 MeV, decays toα2(1320)π withL=0. It may be interpreted as the\(q\bar q^1 \)D2 partner ofπ2(1670). A strong signal is also observed just above threshold inf2(1270)η withL=0. It is 11–22 times stronger than is expected for the high mass tail of the 1645 MeV resonance. It can be fitted as a second 2−+ resonance at 1875±20±35 MeV with width 200±25±45 MeV. A third resonance havingJPC=2++ is observed at 2135±20±45 MeV withΛ=250±25±45 MeV, decaying to botha2(1320)π andf2(1270)η withL=1. T…

research product

Antiproton-proton annihilation at rest into KKπ0π0

Abstract The annihilation channel p p →K + K − π 0 in liquid hydrogen at rest has been studied with the Crystal Barrel detector at LEAR. The measured branching ratio is: BR ( p p → K + K − π 0 )=(2.37±0.15)×10 −3 . A partial wave analysis shows that this reaction is dominated by the π (K K ) S , K K ∗ (892) and π φ (1020) intermediate states. Weak signals are observed for π a 2 (1320), π f 2 (1270), π f 2 ′(1525) and K(Kπ) S . A satisfactory description of the Dalitz plot requires the introduction of π (K K ) P intermediate states with at least one pole.

research product

High-mass ϱ-meson states from p̄d-annihilation at rest into π−π0π0pspectator

Abstract A study of p -annihilation in liquid deuterium into π − π 0 π 0 and a spectator-proton is presented. A cut on the proton-momentum of ≤ 100 MeV/ c ensures that annihilation takes place on a quasi-free neutron. A partial wave analysis shows contributions from three vector mesons, with masses and widths of (763.7 ± 3.2; 152.8 ± 4.3), (1411 ± 14; 343 ± 20); (1780 −29 +37 ; 275 ± 45) MeV/ c 2 , respectively.

research product

Measurement of the decay distribution of η′ → π+π−γ and evidence for the box anomaly

Abstract The distribution of m ( π + π − ) in the decay η ′ → π + π − γ has been measured with the Crystal Barrel detector. The results are based on a total of 7392 observed η′ decays. The box anomaly constant is extracted from this and its value is found to agree well with theoretical expectations. The pseudoscalar nonet parameters ( f 1 , f 8 and θ PS ) are determined. Finally, we find that there is a problem of consistency between QCD and the standard VDM assumption.

research product

Precise determination of the 1s Lamb shift in hydrogen-like lead and gold using microcalorimeters

Quantum electrodynamics in very strong Coulomb fields is one scope which has not yet been tested experimentally with suffcient accuracy to really determine whether the perturbative approach is valid. One sensitive test is the determination of the 1s Lamb Shift in highly-charged very heavy ions. The 1s Lamb Shift of hydrogen-like lead (Pb81+) and gold (Au78+) has been determined using the novel detector concept of silicon microcalorimeters for the detection of hard X-rays. The results of (260 +- 22) eV for lead and (208 +- 13) eV for gold are within error bars in good agreement with theoretical predictions. For hydrogen-like lead, this represents the most accurate determination of the 1s Lam…

research product

The ρ-mass, width and line shape in annihilation at rest into π+π−π0

The rho mass, width and line shape in p(over)-bar-p annihilation at rest into pi(+)pi(-)pi(0)

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Intraoperative transfusion practices in Europe

PubMed: 26787795

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High-precision x-ray spectroscopy of highly charged ions with microcalorimeters

The precise determination of the energy of the Lyman α1 and α2 lines in hydrogen-like heavy ions provides a sensitive test of quantum electrodynamics in very strong Coulomb fields. To improve the experimental precision, the new detector concept of microcalorimeters is now exploited for such measurements. Such detectors consist of compensated-doped silicon thermistors and Pb or Sn absorbers to obtain high quantum efficiency in the energy range of 40–70 keV, where the Doppler-shifted Lyman lines are located. For the first time, a microcalorimeter was applied in an experiment to precisely determine the transition energy of the Lyman lines of lead ions at the experimental storage ring at GSI. T…

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