Postprandial thermogenesis and alimentary sensory stimulation in human subjects
OBJECTIVE: To study the role of alimentary sensory stimulation on the thermic effect of food. SUBJECTS: Nine male healthy volunteers (age: 20-34y, body mass index (BMI): 17.4-25.3 kg/m 2 ). DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: Four experimental situations were investigated on different days. Subjects: 1) ate a four course meal containing 2582kJ (meal), 2) saw, smelt and tasted the same courses (alimentary sensory stimulation), 3) saw, smelt and tasted non-alimentary substances (non-alimentary sensory stimulation), 4) received directly into the stomach the previous meal (tube feeding). Energy expenditure (EE) was measured over a 20 min rest period, then for 110 min. RESULTS: The changes over midday rest…