A. Fichera

158. Velocity estimation of high-concentrated flows: sensitivity analysis with main parameters included in the Bagnold equation

As it is known, the propagation of debris flow causes huge territorial changes and damages in short times. The motion of debris flow is determined by gravity and it especially occurs in steep mountainous areas. Debris flow velocity is an important factor which influences the impact forces and runup. In this context, in the present work attention is restricted to Bagnolds Equation with the specific aim to assess the impact of the aforementioned assumptions in flow velocity estimation.

research product

An agent-based model to support the preliminary design and operation of heating and power grids with cogeneration units and photovoltaic panels in densely populated areas

The increase in the energy demands of residential neighborhoods constitutes a huge challenge to be faced. A viable option lies in the insertion of both renewable energy production systems and cogeneration units within urban territories. On-site production allows for the satisfaction of the heating and electrical demands of end-users and favors the distribution of produced energy within the neighborhood, especially under the regulatory framework of energy communities. This paper proposes a tool to model heating and electricity networks integrated with cogeneration units and PV panels installed in urban areas. The tool accounts for the following possibilities: (i) energy flow management and p…

research product