Antonio Bongiorno
I disturbi digestivi Funzionali
“Il disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo nel disturbo del comportamento alimentare”
Cross validation of the factor structure of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale: An Italian multicenter study
The 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) has been shown in previous research to measure a general dimension of alexithymia with three intercorrelated factors. This study evaluated the reliability and factorial validity of an Italian translation of the TAS-20 in a group of normal adults (N = 206) and in a mixed group of medical and psychiatric outpatients (N = 642). Using confirmatory factor analyses, the previously established three-factor model of the TAS-20 was found to be replicable in both groups. In addition, the Italian TAS-20 demonstrated adequate estimates of internal reliability and test-retest reliability. Although evaluation of the convergent, discriminant, and concurrent v…