A Zambonelli
The ectomycorrhizal community of Abies nebrodensis: preliminary results
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei is a Critically Endangered forest tree included in Appendix I of the Bern Convention and as a priority species in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive [1]. In situ and ex situ conservation strategies [2] and, more recently, a LIFE Natura project [3] allowed a marked improvement of health conditions of trees and of seedlings renewal. A first attempt to characterize the ectomycorrhizas of A. nebrodensis was carried out by Venturella & Rambelli [4]. In the frame of the activities of the II National Workshop of Ectomycorrhyza (Palermo, 2015), this paper reports the preliminary investigation carried out on the ectomycorrhyzal community of A. nebrodensis i…
Diversità della comunità ectomicorrizica presente in un impianto artificiale di conifere alloctone in Sardegna
Nel presente contributo sono riportati i risultati di uno studio sulla diversità della comunità fungina ectomicorrizica (ECM) presente in un impianto artificiale di conifere alloctone (Abies alba Mill., Pinus nigra Arnold e Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carrière), in cui è presente rinnovazione di A. alba e di Quercus ilex L., unica specie vegetale arborea autoctona presente nell’ambiente di studio. L’area d’indagine è localizzata a Tempio Pausania (Sardegna), sul monte Limbara in località Madonna della Neve (1262 s.l.m). Al suo interno sono stati individuati 5 plot omogenei, ed in ciascuno di essi sono stati prelevati frammenti radicali dalla base di esemplari adulti di A. alba, P. n…
The OPTIMA (Organization for the Phyto‐Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area) Commission on Fungi
A list of proposed activities/objectives by the members of OPTIMA Commission on Fungi is here reported: Prepare a list of local names related to wild edible mushrooms (WEM); Define a provisional catalogue of macrofungi that could be characterized as typical‐representatives of the Mediterranean region (MR); Publish a Checklist of all macrofungi occurring in the MR; Setup of a literature database on fungi occurring in the MR; Promote studies on Mediterranean fungi to be used as food and medicine, and examine their potential in other biotechnological applications (e.g. mushroom cultivation, treatment and detoxification of wastes etc.), incl. large‐scale (commercial) use; Document ethnomycologi…
New distributive and ecological data on Tuber magnatum (Tuberaceae) in Italy
The recent discovery of natural truffle grounds of the prized Tuber magnatum Pico in Sicily (southern Italy) allows to up-to-date the ecology and distribution of this choice edible mushroom in Italy and opens new economic opportunities in rural areas traditionally suffering from the economic point of view. The two new localities reported expand the southern range border of the species in Italy and Europe.
Local names for common wild edible mushrooms growing in Europe, North Africa and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mushroom hunters in rural areas call and identify wild edible mushrooms on the basis of their local or common names. Local names of mushrooms are also widely used in folk medicine and particularly in shamanic and religious rituals. Linking of local names with their respective scientific names is of fundamental importance for the exploitation of their market potential and for prevention of poisoning. We present a list of common names given to 45 wild edible mushroom taxa (28 basidiomycetes and 17 ascomycetes) occurring in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Romania, Serbia, and Spain. The selected taxa are Agaricus campestris., A. crocodi…