L. Bonin

Diagnosis of non target site based resistance within rye grass(Lolium sp): development of quick and reliable tests

Non target site resistance (NTSR) is the major threat for effective herbicide-based control of grass weeds. NTSR, still largely unknown, is endowed by the regulation of a subset of the genes involved in the response of the weed to herbicide treatment. This study aims at identifying NTSR genes in rye-grass to develop resistance diagnosis tests. The transcriptome of plants resistant or sensitive to ALS inhibitors collected before and after herbicide application was sequenced using a deep sequencing technology. We identified genes differentially expressed between resistant and sensitive plants. We developed a RT-qPCR test to measure gene expression levels in individual plants from several popu…

research product

INFLOWEB : un site pédagogique sur les adventices pour aider à leur gestion intégrée

INFLOWEB is a website that collects, summarizes and promotes useful knowledge to help weed management. This educational tool was developed in 2012 by CETIOM, ACTA AgroSup Dijon ARVALIS‐Institut du végétal, FNAMS, INRA, ITAB and ITB, with financial support from the Ministry of agriculture. The website aims to change the farmers weed management relying on an integrated approach of the weed flora. This paper presents the INFLOWEB site and discusses the results of a national survey on the prevalence and abundance of major weeds in crops. The survey was sent in 2011 to advisors, technicians and agronomists.

research product