''The age-related decline in Olympic distance triathlon performance differs between males and females''
Etter, F. | Knechtle, B. | Ruest, C. A. | Rosemann, T. | Lepers, R.; International audience; ''Aim. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare the age-related declines in swimming, cycling, and running and overall race times between males and females in an Olympic distance triathlon, the 'Zurich Triathlon' in Switzerland. Methods. Swimming (1.5 km), cycling (40 km), running (10 km) and overall race times of 7939 total finishers (1666 females and 6273 males) from 2000 to 2010 in the "Zurich Triathlon" were analysed. Results. There was a significant (P50 years) 5 for cycling (>40 years) and for overall race time (>40 years). Conclusion. These data suggest that the age and gender int…