Raimondo De Cristofaro
IDEAL study: A real‐world assessment of pattern of use and clinical outcomes with recombinant coagulation factor IX albumin fusion protein (rIX‐FP) in patients with haemophilia B in Italy
Introduction: Factor IX replacement therapy is used for treatment and prophylaxis of bleeding in haemophilia B. rIX-FP is an extended half-life albumin-fusion protein, which, in clinical studies, has demonstrated prolonged dosing intervals up to 21 days for routine prophylaxis, providing therapeutic benefit.Aims: To describe dosing frequency and consumption (primary endpoint), efficacy and safety of rIX-FP treatment during routine clinical practice in Italy.Methods: Patients with moderate/severe haemophilia B on prophylaxis with rIX-FP for >= 6 months, were enrolled in this observational study from October 2017 to February 2019 and followed-up for 2 years. Descriptive analysis included p…
Laying the foundations for gene therapy in Italy for patients with haemophilia A: A Delphi consensus study
IntroductionCurrent treatment for haemophilia A involves factor VIII replacement or non-replacement (emicizumab) therapies, neither of which permanently normalise factor VIII levels. Gene therapy using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors is an emerging long-term treatment strategy for people with severe haemophilia A (PwSHA) that is likely to be available for clinical use in the near future. AimThis article proposes practical guidelines for the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of potential PwSHA candidates for AAV-based gene therapy. MethodUsing the Delphi method, a working group of Italian stakeholders with expertise in and knowledge of the care of adults with haemophilia A analysed l…
Acquired inhibitors of clotting factors: AICE recommendations for diagnosis and management
ABO Blood Group and Inhibitor Risk in Severe Hemophilia A Patients: A Study from the Italian Association of Hemophilia Centers
AbstractConsidering the profound influence exerted by the ABO blood group system on hemostasis, mainly through the von Willebrand factor and factor VIII (FVIII) complex, we have conducted a study evaluating the possible role of blood type on the risk of inhibitor development in hemophilia A. A total of 287 consecutive Caucasian patients with severe hemophilia A (202 without FVIII inhibitors and 85 with FVIII inhibitors) followed at seven Italian Hemophilia Treatment Centers belonging to the Italian Association of Hemophilia Centers (AICE) were included in the study. A higher prevalence of O blood group was detected in patients without inhibitors as compared in inhibitor patients (55 vs. 30.…
Pain assessment and management in Italian Haemophilia Centres
BACKGROUND: Although the widespread use of factor VIII/IX replacement therapy has significantly reduced the severity of arthropathy in persons with haemophilia (PWH), some develop degenerative joint changes, associated with significant pain. The aim of this survey was to investigate the management and perception of pain among Italian physicians who treat PWH. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between September and October 2017, a questionnaire was distributed to 35 Italian haemophilia treatment centres (60 physicians). RESULTS: Fifty-three haemophilia specialists completed the survey. We found that there was good agreement (98.1%) on the need to investigate pain at each clinical visit, but there was h…
Promoting physical activity in people with haemophilia: the MEMO (Movement for persons with haEMOphilia) expert consensus project.
: Regular physical activity can increase joint stability and function, reduce the risk of injury, and improve quality of life of people with haemophilia (PwH). However, a recent review of the literature shows that appropriate physical activity and sport are not always promoted enough in the overall management of PwH. A group of Italian experts in haemophilia care undertook a consensus procedure to provide practical guidance on when and how to recommend physical exercise programmes to PwH in clinical practice. Three main topics were identified -haemophilia and its impact on movement, physical activity recommendations for PwH, and choice and management of sports activity in PwH- and ten state…