R. A. Rupp

Phase Transition of SBN: Ce Studied by Anisotropic Holographic Scattering

Light scattering phenomena in (Sr0.61Ba0.39) Nb2O6:Ce are investigated from room temperature to the phase transition temperature. Temperature dependence and sign of the birefringence are determined from anisotropic holographic scattering at a wavelength of 514.5 nm. The majority charge carriers are electrons. Zwischen Zimmertemperatur und der Phasenubergangstemperatur werden Lichtstreuphanomene in (Sr0,61Ba0,39)Nb2O6:Ce untersucht. Aus der anisotropen holographischen Streuung bei einer Wellenlange von 514,5 nm werden Temperaturabhangigkeit und Vorzeichen der Doppelbrechung bestimmt. Die Majoritatsladungstrager sind Elektronen.

research product

The structure of PLZT ceramics and holographic recording

Abstract The influence of the specific structure of transparent PLZT X/65/35 [Pb1-xLax (Zr.65Ti.35)1-x/4O3] ceramics with x = 8.5% and IO% on photorefraction and peculiarities of holographic recording have been studied.

research product

A new method for the study of antiparallel ferroelectric domains

Abstract Beam-coupling topography is a non-destructive holographic technique for spatially resolved recording of hysteresis loops and for imaging of domains. Its basic principle is interference of rays diffracted from a holographic grating with collinear, transmitted ones. Full domain contrast and noise suppression is achieved by appropriate control of intensity and phase of the interfering beams. The method is applied to antiparallel a-domains in (Sr0.61Ba0.39)Nb2O6:Ce.

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