Regional distribution of opioidergic nerves in human and canine prostates
The regional distribution of opioidergic nerves in the juvenile and adult human prostate and in the adult canine prostate has been studied immunohistochemically using well-characterized polyclonal antisera against multiple opioid peptides. Nerves displaying immunoreactivity (ir) for the proenkephalin (PRO-ENK) derivatives met-enkephalin (ME), leuenkephalin (LE), octapeptide, and heptapeptide (ordered in decreasing frequency) were present in the dorsolateral stroma of human prostate. In canine prostate, the situation was similar, but the number of opioid-ir nerve fibers was lower than in human prostate. In both species, staining for the prodynorphin (PRO-DYN) derivatives dynorphin A and alph…