Patrizia Calò
Analysing tourist mobility: current issues and future challenges
Tourism statistics are generally based on data collected only at one point of the travel, which, depending on the perspective of interest, can be the originating region or the destination one. Indeed, many tourism trips imply the visit to more than a single destination, since tourists move to visit several attraction to several destination or within the same destination. The analysis of tourist mobility presents several issues which are related both to the collection of information on multidestination trip behaviour and to the analysis of complex information such as the ones related with tourist itineraries. The present work aims at reviewing the main issues related with the analysis of tou…
ICT and tourism impacts in islands
New technologies can represent, for some aspects, both a problem and a precious resource. As we concerns, in tourism sector, ICT can help in managing and promoting destinations in a better way than in the past, especially in those cases where problems linked with the management of tourist flows and the need to manage a sustainable development exists. Monitoring tourism impact at the destination is a fundamental issue in order to respect the right pressure and to avoid negative effects in the destination and with the residents. There are several devices available and useful for different needs, therefore almost each kind of monitoring and analysis can be supported by the right tools. This kn…
Downscaling climate change impacts, socio-economic implications and alternative adaptation pathways for islands and outermost regions
Questo libro fornisce una panoramica completa degli scenari futuri del cambiamento climatico e delle problematiche di gestione associate all'impatto del cambiamento climatico sull'economia blu delle isole e delle regioni ultraperiferiche europee. La pubblicazione raccoglie i principali risultati dei risultati della ricerca del progetto Soclimpact, con l'obiettivo di aumentare la consapevolezza sociale tra i responsabili politici e l'industria sulle conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici a livello locale e fornire informazioni basate sulla conoscenza nella progettazione delle politiche di sostegno, dal livello locale a quello nazionale. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the futur…
IJIR Title Page and Table of Contents Vol. 3
Assessing Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management Programmes: Stakeholder Participation Process and Policy Implications for Transport, Energy and Tourism Sectors on the Island of Sicily
Climate change is a critical sustainability challenge for islands and their main economic sectors. Rising sea levels, extreme temperatures, and drier conditions are the impacts with the most significant potential to amplify the economic damage on islands. However, their isolation and natural conditions bring about some leeway to respond to climate impacts on their terms. This paper aims to provide a local-level analysis and ranking of alternative adaptation pathways in an island context through the stakeholders’ lens. This study reviews the latest advancements in adaptation science and proposes a catalogue of adaptation and risk management options that feed a participatory assessment …
Italy's Island Systems: Competitiveness in the Mediterranean Context
From ancient times, the Mediterranean basin has connected peoples from different countries, facilitating both commercial and cultural exchanges. Within the Mediterranean basin, both large and small islands have always been transit and temporary stopping places, thereby promoting trade and acting as sorting centers for goods and knowledge. Today, these territories, which differ in size, population and economic and cultural activities, are the core of new exchanges and activities, among which tourism stands out. The Mediterranean basin has more than 100 islands belonging to six states that are members of the European Union (EU). However, despite the diversity and uniqueness of each island, th…
IJIR Table of Contents Vol. 2
Tourism Dynamics and Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis between Mediterranean Islands: Evidence for Post-COVID-19 Strategies
Tourism may not sustainably support territories with limited natural resource stock such as islands. The volume of visitor arrivals and the industry investments can increase the pressure even beyond sustainable levels. There is an evident and unresolved tension between these two great polarities, sustainability and economic growth driven by tourism. The aim for policymakers is to find an acceptable equilibrium between these two dimensions. This paper investigates tourism evolution between 2007 and 2019 in 15 Mediterranean islands, comparing tourism pressures through statistical indicators. The analysis will compare tourism demand and supply trends in these contexts. The performances will be…