José Caro
Relacion de los partes dados al Capitan General D. Josef Caro por la vigia de las torres de Quarte, sobre las operaciones del Exercito Frances, despues que tomo el punto de Alventosa y vino à Valencia con el General Suchet
Double $\Lambda$ Hypernuclei and the Nuclear Medium Effective $\Lambda\Lambda$ Interaction
We fit the $^1 S_0 \Lambda\Lambda$ interaction in the nuclear medium to the masses of the experimentally known double-$\Lambda$ hypernuclei: $^{\phantom{6}6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}$He, $^{10}_{\Lambda\Lambda}$Be and $^{13}_{\Lambda\Lambda}$B. We derive this effective interaction from OBE J\"ulich $\Lambda\Lambda$-type potentials and using both Hartree-Fock and variational approaches. We find that the inclusion of $\Lambda\Lambda$ correlations in the variational scheme leads to significant differences and a better understanding of the dynamical features of the system. We investigate the sensitivity of the binding energies and the mesonic decay widths of the above double-$\Lambda$ hypernuclei to th…