Gilles Martel
Numerical Maps for Fiber Lasers Mode Locked with Nonlinear Polarization Evolution: Comparison with Semi-Analytical Models
We have used a fully vectorial model based on two coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations to study mode locking and pulse generation initiated and stabilized by nonlinear polarization evolution in a stretched pulse, double-clad, Yb-doped, fiber laser. The model takes explicitly into account gain saturation, finite amplification bandwidth, Kerr-induced self- and cross-phase modulations, group velocity dispersion, polarization control, and linear birefringence. Complete maps versus the orientation of intra-cavity wave-plates have been established. They comprise a large variety of pulse regimes that can be simply obtained by turning the intracavity wave-plate: stable single pulse per round tri…
Highly-chirped similaritons generation from a mode-locked fiber laser
In this communication, we report experimental and numerical results on dynamics and propagation of self-similar pulses in a passively mode-locked ytterbium doped DC fiber laser.
Potentialités des lasers à fibre dans la génération de rayonnement cohérent UV
Le premier laser a fibre dope aux ions de terres rares fonctionna au tout debut des annees 60. Il fournissait quelques milliwatts autour de 1 μm. Les decades suivantes virent tres peu d'ameliorations tant du cote des laboratoires que du point de vue industriel. La derniere decennie (1995/2005) vit se concretiser la seconde revolution des lasers a fibres. Deja kilowatt en continu, ils atteignent desormais les 10 13 watts/cm 2 avec des impulsions de la centaine de femtoseconde. Lors de cette presentation nous passerons en revue les potentialites des lasers a fibre. Nous decrirons les verrous technologiques qui ont ete leves ces dix dernieres annees pour les regimes CW mais aussi femtosecondes…
On the possibility of observing bound soliton pairs in a "wave-breaking-free" mode-locked fiber laser
To generate ultrashort pulses with higher energy in passively mode-locked fiber lasers, several groups have recently focused on the development of laser cavities operating in normal path-averaged dispersion, with a view to achieve wave-breaking-free operation. The mode-locking mechanism in fiber laser play a key role in providing scalability limitation: for instance, nonlinear polarization evolution can be overdriven. Furthermore, the differential gain of the doped fiber decreases along with the traveled distance. From all of these limitations, it follows that power scalability is always bounded for virtually any mode-locked laser cavity design. In general, the consequence is the emergence …
On the possibility of observing bound soliton pairs in a wave-breaking-free mode-locked fiber laser
On the basis of numerical simulations, we explain the formation of the stable bound soliton pairs that were experimentally reported in a high-power mode-locked ytterbium fiber laser [Opt. Express 14, 6075 (2006)], in a regime where wave-breaking-free operation is expected. A fully vectorial model allows one to rigorously reproduce the nonmonotonic nature for the nonlinear polarization effect that generally limits the power scalability of a single-pulse self-similar regime. Simulations show that a self-similar regime is not fully obtained, although positive linear chirps and parabolic spectra are always reported. As a consequence, nonvanishing pulse tails allow distant stable binding of high…