A. Novara

Erosión del suelo bajo lluvias de alta intensidad y reducida frecuencia en viñedos del este peninsular.

Abstract: S imulated rainfall experiments (68.2 mm h -1 ) on plots of 1 m 2 on two vineyards in Utiel and Moixent show high soil erosion rates. These measuremen ts show that runoff rates and sediment concentration are very high due to the bare soils. Soil losses are 5.68 and 23.14 Mg ha -1 h -1 , respectively, in the study areas and Moixent and Utie l. It is confirmed that the vineyards contribute to highly erodible soils. Unión Europea GL2008-02879/BTE Unión Europea LEDDRA 243857 Unión Europea RECARE FP7 603498

research product

Role of rock fragment cover on runoff generation and sediment yield in tilled vineyards

The soil in conventional Mediterranean vineyards is an active and non-sustainable source of sediment and water. Lack of vegetation cover, small soil organic matter content and intense ploughing result in large rates of erosion in a millennia-old tillage system. There is a need for soil conservation strategies that enable sustainability of wine and grape production; therefore, it is essential to measure the rates and to investigate the processes and factors of soil erosion. This study evaluated factors that can reduce soil losses in traditional Mediterranean vineyards. The investigation was carried out with 96 rainfall simulation experiments at the pedon scale (0.24 m2) to measure soil detac…

research product

Long-term organic farming on a citrus plantation results in soil organic carbon recovery

[ES] Se ha demostrado que el manejo del suelo bajo agricultura ecológica puede aumentar el contenido de carbono orgánico en el suelo moderando el incremento de los gases de efecto invernadero, pero hasta la fecha las evaluaciones cuantitativas basadas en mediciones a largo plazo han sido escasas, especialmente bajo condiciones mediterráneas. En esta investigación se examinaron los cambios en el contenido de carbono orgánico como respuesta a la agricultura ecológica con cobertura vegetal en una plantación de cítricos en el área mediterránea, utilizando una base de datos de 21 años. El incremento de contenido de carbono orgánico en el suelo fue más evidente tras cinco años desde el cambio del…

research product

Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in semiarid environment

Abstract. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of a experimental fire, used for grassland management, on soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs. The study was carried out on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf (Hh) grassland and Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Desf.) T. Durand and Schinz (Am) grasslands, located in the north of Sicily. Soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm before and after experimental fire and SOC was measured. During grassland fire soil surface temperature was monitored. Biomass of both grasses was analyzed in order to determine dry weight and its chemical composition. The results showed that SOC varied significantly with vegetation cover, while it is not affected in the …

research product

Soil erosion and carbon budget in Mediterranean vineyards

Vineyards of Mediterranean regions are characterized by low organic matter level and high sediment and nutrient erosion rates, which are the main causes of soil degradation and low sustainability of vine production. Alternative soil management - cover crops, green manure of prune residues, buffer strip- has widely applied as soil management practices to reduce soil degradation processes. However, the effectiveness of innovative soil management should be evaluated in relation to climatic and soil conditions. Many studies have been carried out in Sicilian vineyards in order to improve the sustainability with particular attention to: reduction of erosion, increase of soil organic matter, manag…

research product