Donor Genetic Determinant of Thymopoiesis rs2204985 Impacts Clinical Outcome after Single HLA Mismatched HSCT
Abstract Introduction: A common genetic variant within the TCRA-TCRD locus has been recently identified as a predictive factor of thymic function and T cell repertoire diversity (Clave et al., 2018). Specifically it was shown in a mouse model that transplantation of rs2204985 AA human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) into immunodeficient mice led to lower thymocyte counts and poorer TCR diversity. T cell mediated pathways are known to play a significant role in immunological processes affecting HSCT outcome like GvL, GvH and infection. Aim of this study was to investigate the potential impact of donor rs2204985 genotype on patient's outcome after unrelated HSCT. Methods: The study included 2,…