Artefaktreduzierung bei der Lungenemboliediagnostik mittels Spiral-CT unter Verwendung eines Kochsalzbolus
nary Arteries Using a Saline Push. Purpose: To improve the diagnostic efficacy of bolus-enhanced spiral CT (SCT) in the detection of pulmonary embolism using a saline push immediately after bolus injection of the contrast medium. Patients and Methods: The study included 90 patients with suspected acute or chronic pulmonary embolism. The CT scan was performed in a caudocephaled direction. In Group I (n=60) we applied a bolus contrast injection (120 ml, 3 ml/s, 300 mg J/ml), after a median delay of 25 s. Group II (n = 30) had the same contrast injection which was immediately followed by an additional saline push (60 ml, 2 ml/s). Streak artifacts originating from high contrast concentrations i…