Temporally stable beta sensorimotor oscillations and cortico–muscular coupling underlie force steadiness
Funding Information: Data and code are available on the Open Science Framework (OSF) at the following link: https://osf.io/4rmex/?view_only=7d17c2334ace4a0d83087bddf2a64a68. Scott Mongold, Thomas Legrand, and Mathieu Bourguignon were supported by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium; grant MIS F.4504.21). Harri Piitulainen was supported by the Academy of Finland (grants 266133, 296240, 326988, 327288 and 311877) including “Brain changes across the life-span” profiling funding to University of Jyväskylä. We thank Helge Kainulainen and Ronny Schreiber at Aalto NeuroImaging for providing technical help and the force sensor system for the study. We thank Riitta…