Local electronic structure rearrangements and strong anharmonicity in YH3 under pressures up to 180 GPa
The authors acknowledge the ESRF program committee (Grenoble, France) for the opportunity to perform XAFS and XRD measurements. We are grateful to Prof. Dr Marek Tkacz from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland, for high quality YH3 samples and to Dr. José A. Flores-Livas for a fruitful discussion. A.P.M. and A.A.I. acknowledge the Russian Foundation for the Basic Research (grant No 18-02-40001_mega) for financial support. J.P., A.K., and I.P. would like to thank the support of the Latvian Council of Science project No. lzp-2018/2-0353. ISSP UL acknowledge the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-20l 6-2017-TeamingPh…