Triplet-triplet energy transfer controlled by the donor-acceptor distance in rigidly held palladium-containing cofacial bisporphyrins.
Eleven new complexes, including mono-, heterobi-, and homobimetallic cofacial bisporphyrins, (Pd)H 2 DPS, (M)H 2 DPX, (M)H 2 DPB, (PdZn)DPS, (PdZn)DPX, (Pt) 2 DPX, (M) 2 DPB (M=Pd, Pt), and (Pt)P (DPS 4 - = 4,6-bis[5-(2,8,13,17-tetraethyl-3,7,12,18-tetramethylporphyrinyl)]dibenzothiophene tetraanion, DPX 4 - = 4,5-bis[5-(2,8,13,17-tetraethyl-3,7,12,18-tetramethylporphyrinyl)]-9,9-dimethylxanthene tetraanion, DPB 4 - =1,8-bis[5-(2,8,13,17-tetraethyl-3,7,12,18-tetramethylporphyrinyl)]biphenylene tetraanion, P 2 - = 5-phenyl-2,8,13,17-tetraethyl-3,7,12,18-tetramethylporphyrin dianion) have been synthesized and characterized. The photophysical properties of the donor (M)P (M=Pd or Pt, P= porphy…