A. Ekers

Hyperfine interaction in the Autler-Townes effect: The formation of bright, dark, and chameleon states

This paper is devoted to clarifying the implications of hyperfine (HF) interaction in the formation of adiabatic (i.e., ``laser-dressed'') states and their expression in the Autler-Townes (AT) spectra. We first use the Morris-Shore model [J. R. Morris and B. W. Shore, Phys. Rev. A 27, 906 (1983)] to illustrate how bright and dark states are formed in a simple reference system where closely spaced energy levels are coupled to a single state with a strong laser field with the respective Rabi frequency ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Omega}}}_{S}$. We then expand the simulations to realistic hyperfine level systems in Na atoms for a more general case when non-negligible HF interaction can be treated as…

research product

Broadening and intensity redistribution in theNa(3p)hyperfine excitation spectra due to optical pumping in the weak excitation limit

Detailed analysis of spectral line broadening and variations in relative intensities of hyperfine spectral components due to optical pumping is presented. Hyperfine levels of sodium 3p1/2 and 3p3/2 levels are selectively excited in a supersonic beam at various laser intensities under the conditions when optical pumping time is shorter than transit time of atoms through the laser beam. The excitation spectra exhibit significant line broadening at laser intensities well below the saturation intensity, and redistribution of intensities of hyperfine spectral components is observed, which in some cases is contradicting with intuitive expectations. Theoretical analysis of the dynamics of optical …

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Dissociative charge transfer from highly excited Na Rydberg atoms to vibrationally excited Na2 molecules

Abstract We report the observation of the vibrational dependence of dissociative charge transfer (DCT), Na2(X1Σg+, v″) + Na∗∗(nl) → Na− + Na + Na+, in a single Na/Na2 supersonic beam at low intrabeam collision energies (1.6 meV) using the STIRAP technique for selective vibrational excitation of Na2 in the electronic ground state and time-of-flight mass analysis of the ions. The efficiency of this process increases by about an order of magnitude in the range 13 ≤ v″ ≤ 22. Some perspectives are discussed regarding the implementation of a field-free ion-imaging technique for the detection of ions that will allow the direct determination of the kinetic energy distributions of product negative i…

research product

Collisional and thermal ionization of sodium Rydberg atoms: II. Theory fornS,nP andnD states withn= 5–25

A stochastic model of associative ionization in collisions of Rydberg atoms with ground-state atoms is presented. The conventional Duman–Shmatov–Mihajlov–Janev (DSMJ) model treats the ionization as excitation of Rydberg electron to the continuum by the electric-dipole field generated by exchange interaction within the quasi-molecular ion. The stochastic model essentially extends this treatment by taking into account redistribution of population over a range of Rydberg states prior to ionization, which is caused by non-adiabatic processes in overlapping multiple level crossings of quasi-molecular Rydberg states. The redistribution is modelled as diffusion of electrons in the Rydberg energy s…

research product

Focus on modern frontiers of matter wave optics and interferometry

The level of experimental control and the detailed theoretical understanding of matter wave physics have led to a renaissance of experiments testing the very foundations of quantum mechanics and general relativity, as well as to applications in metrology. A variety of interferometric quantum sensors surpasses, or will surpass, the limits of their classical counterparts, for instance in the measurement of frequency and time or forces such as accelerations due to rotation and gravity with applications in basic science, navigation and the search for natural resources. The collection of original articles published in this focus issue of New Journal of Physics is intended as a snapshot of the cu…

research product

Vibrational effects in Na2( , v′)+Na(3p3/2) associative ionization

Abstract Associative ionizing Na2( A 1 Σ + u , v′)+Na(3p3/2) collisions have been studied in a single supersonic beam with respect to the influence of the initial vibrational excitation of the molecules on the reaction efficiency. An enhancement of trimer ion yield of nearly one order of magnitude has been observed as the vibrational excitation increases from v′=0 to v′=14.

research product

Collisional and thermal ionization of sodium Rydberg atoms I. Experiment for nS and nD atoms with n=8-20

Collisional and thermal ionization of sodium nS and nD Rydberg atoms with n=8-20 has been studied. The experiments were performed using a two-step pulsed laser excitation in an effusive atomic beam at atom density of about 2 10^{10} cm^{-3}. Molecular and atomic ions from associative, Penning, and thermal ionization processes were detected. It has been found that the atomic ions were created mainly due to photoionization of Rydberg atoms by photons of blackbody radiation at the ambient temperature of 300K. Blackbody ionization rates and effective lifetimes of Rydberg states of interest were determined. The molecular ions were found to be from associative ionization in Na(nL)+Na(3S) collisio…

research product

Nonlinear radiation imprisonment in magneto-optical vapor traps

We analyze nonlinear radiation imprisonment (RI) effects in an optically thick vapor in different temperature regimes. An analytical approach is proposed to treat nonlinear decay problems. Special attention is paid to vapor samples having curvilinear geometries (cylinder, sphere) and being excited by a strong laser pulse. We derive a number of new formulas for different radiative trapping factors as functions of opacity and propose a general approach for RI evaluation allowing us to deal with samples both at room and low, or very low, temperatures, such as those customarily achieved in magneto-optical trap (MOT) experiments. As a result, we predict a "subnatural" decay of radiation escaping…

research product

Nonlinear effects in optical pumping of a cold and slow atomic beam

By photoionizing hyperfine (HF) levels of the Cs state $6{\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}}^{2}{P}_{3/2}$ in a slow and cold atom beam, we find how their population depends on the excitation laser power. The long time (around $180\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{s})$ spent by the slow atoms inside the resonant laser beam is large enough to enable exploration of a unique atom-light interaction regime heavily affected by time-dependent optical pumping. We demonstrate that, under such conditions, the onset of nonlinear effects in the population dynamics and optical pumping occurs at excitation laser intensities much smaller than the conventional respective saturation values. The ev…

research product

<title>Collisional and thermal ionization of sodium Rydberg atoms in single and crossed atomic beams</title>

The results of the experimental and theoretical study on associative ionization of laser excited Na Rydberg atoms in collisions with ground-state atoms and on thermal ionization by blackbody radiation in single and crossed effusive atomic beams are reported and discussed.

research product

Theoretical study of energy transfer in Rb(7S) + Rb(5S) and Rb(5D) + Rb(5S) collisions

We present results of theoretical studies of the non-resonant excitation transfer in Rb(7S) + Rb(5S) and Rb(5D) + Rb(5S) collisions at thermal collision energies. Rb2 adiabatic molecular terms correlating with the 5S+7S, 5S+5D and 5P+5P states of separated atoms were calculated for internuclear distances R > 20 a.u. using asymptotic approximation. Mechanisms of collisional population and quenching of the 5D state were treated on the basis of the computed molecular terms, and the respective cross-sections were calculated. Theoretical cross-sections are in good agreement with the experimental values at thermal collision energies (\(\) K).

research product

Ionization of Rb and Na Rydberg atoms by blackbody radiation

This work presents the results of the numerical calculations of (blackbody radiation) BBR-induced photoionization rates of Rb and Na Rydberg nS, nP and nD atoms with n = 8-65 at the ambient temperatures of 77, 300 and 600 K.

research product

Analytical model of transit time broadening for two-photon excitation in a three-level ladder and its experimental validation

We revisit transit time broadening for one of the typical experiment designs in molecular spectroscopy, that of a collimated supersonic beam of particles crossing a focused Gaussian laser beam. In particular, we consider a Doppler-free arrangement of a collimated supersonic beam of Na${}_{2}$ molecules crossing two counterpropagating laser beams that excite a two-photon transition in a three-level ladder scheme. We propose an analytical two-level model with a virtual intermediate level to show that the excitation line shape is described by a Voigt profile and provide the validity range of this model with respect to significant experimental parameters. The model also shows that line broadeni…

research product

Expressions of “fast” and “slow” chameleon dressed states in Autler–Townes spectra of alkali‐metal atoms

research product

Ionization of Rydberg atoms by blackbody radiation

We have studied an ionization of alkali-metal Rydberg atoms by blackbody radiation (BBR). The results of the theoretical calculations of ionization rates of Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs Rydberg atoms are presented. Calculations have been performed for nS, nP and nD states which are commonly used in a variety of experiments, at principal quantum numbers n=8-65 and at the three ambient temperatures of 77, 300 and 600 K. A peculiarity of our calculations is that we take into account the contributions of BBR-induced redistribution of population between Rydberg states prior to photoionization and field ionization by extraction electric field pulses. The obtained results show that these phenomena affect …

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Studies of inelastic cross-section in Rb(7S) + Rb(5S) collisions

The cross section σ = (8 ± 4) × 10−15 cm2 was determined for the Rb(7S) + Rb(5S) → Rb(5D) + Rb(5S) excitation energy transfer process, and the quenching cross section σq = (2 ± 1) × 10−14 cm2 for the Rb(5D) state in collisions with ground state Rb atoms. Applying rubidium quasimolecular asymptotic potential curves at relatively large internuclear distances, a qualitative interpretation of the experimental results is presented. It is shown that the quenching of the Rb(5D) atoms in collisions may be explained by a reversed energy pooling process Rb(5D) + Rb(5S) → Rb(5P) + Rb(5P).

research product

Strong enhancement of Penning ionization for asymmetric atom pairs in cold Rydberg gases: the Tom and Jerry effect

We consider Penning ionization of Rydberg atom pairs as an Auger-type process induced by the dipole–dipole interaction and employ semiclassical formulae for dipole transitions to calculate the autoionization width as a function of the principal quantum numbers, n d , n i , of both atoms. While for symmetric atom pairs with the well-known increase of the autoionization width with increasing n 0 is obtained, the result for asymmetric pairs is counterintuitive—for a fixed n i of the ionizing atom of the pair, the autoionization width strongly increases with decreasing n d of the de-excited atom. For H Rydberg atoms this increase reaches two orders of magnitude at the maximum of the n d depende…

research product

Line shapes and time dynamics of the F��rster resonances between two Rydberg atoms in a time-varying electric field

The observation of the Stark-tuned F\"orster resonances between Rydberg atoms excited by narrowband cw laser radiation requires usage of a Stark-switching technique in order to excite the atoms first in a fixed electric field and then to induce the interactions in a varied electric field, which is scanned across the F\"orster resonance. In our experiments with a few cold Rb Rydberg atoms we have found that the transients at the edges of the electric pulses strongly affect the line shapes of the F\"orster resonances, since the population transfer at the resonances occurs on a time scale of $\sim$100 ns, which is comparable with the duration of the transients. For example, a short-term ringin…

research product

Broadening and intensity redistribution in the Na($3p$) hyperfine excitation spectra due to optical pumping in the weak excitation limit

Detailed analysis of spectral line broadening and variations in relative intensities of hyperfine spectral components due to optical pumping is presented. Hyperfine levels of sodium $3p_{1/2}$ and $3p_{3/2}$ levels are selectively excited in a supersonic beam at various laser intensities under the conditions when optical pumping time is shorter than transit time of atoms through the laser beam. The excitation spectra exhibit significant line broadening at laser intensities well below the saturation intensity, and redistribution of intensities of hyperfine spectral components is observed, which in some cases is contradicting with intuitive expectations. Theoretical analysis of the dynamics o…

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Superluminal two-color light in multiple Raman gain medium

We investigate theoretically the formation of two-component light with superluminal group velocity in a medium controlled by four Raman pump fields. In such an optical scheme only a particular combination of the probe fields is coupled to the matter and exhibits superluminal propagation, the orthogonal combination is uncoupled. The individual probe fields do not have a definite group velocity in the medium. Calculations demonstrate that this superluminal component experiences an envelope advancement in the medium with respect to the propagation in vacuum.

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Collisional and thermal ionization of sodium Rydberg atoms III. Experiment and theory fornS andnD states withn= 8–20 in crossed atomic beams

The results of experimental and theoretical studies of collisional ionization of Na Rydberg atoms in nS and nD(n = 8–20) states are presented. Molecular and atomic ions from associative ionization and photoionization by blackbody radiation were detected after pulsed laser excitation of Rydberg states in crossed Na atomic beams. An original method of determination of associative ionization rate constants based on the measurement of ratios of molecular and atomic ion signals was used, which did not require the determination of absolute number density of Rydberg atoms. The measured rate constants of associative ionization of Rydberg atoms in collisions with ground-state Na atoms are compared w…

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