Lauri Alanko
Coaches’ Health Promotion Activity and Substance Use in Youth Sports
There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting youth sports clubs are an important setting for health promotion. Adolescents in sport club settings can benefit from exposures of positive and negative consequences to health. To better understand the sport club context and coaches’ health promotion activity in substance use prevention, this study compares sport club members with non-members aged between 14–16 years old on their experience and use of alcohol, smoking and snuff and coaches’ health promotion activity on substances. Methods: Adolescents (n = 671) from sports clubs and from matched schools (n = 1442) were recruited in this study. Multiple binary logistic regressions were per…
Factors associated with body size perception among adolescent goal-oriented sports participants and non-participants : a cross-sectional Finnish study
Abstract Background Regardless of competitive athletes’ body image pressures, only few studies have focused on adolescent sport participants’ body image and the findings are inconclusive. Furthermore, the role of competitive goals in sports on adolescents’ body size perception has not been studied. We examined the factors associated with adolescents’ competitive goals in sports and body size perception, and the associations between adolescents’ competitive goals in sports and body size perception. Methods The cross-sectional study consisted of 475 goal-oriented sports club participants and 936 reference youths (aged 14–16 years). The study questionnaire included multiple choice items on hea…
Training Volume and Intensity of Physical Activity among Young Athletes: The Health Promoting Sports Club (HPSC) Study
Both training volume and overall physical activity (PA) play a role in young athletes’ sports performance and athletic development. The purpose of this study was to describe the training volume and PA of young athletes in endurance, aesthetics, ball games, and power sports. Questionnaire data (n = 671) were obtained from 15-year-old Finnish athletes on sports participation, along with accelerometer data (n = 350) assessing the amount and intensity of their PA. The athletes’ mean weekly training volume was 11 h 41 min. Objectively assessed PA amounted to 4 h 31 min daily, out of which 1 h 31 min was at a level of moderate-to-vigorous intensity (MVPA). Among 24% of the athletes, the weekly tr…
Physical Activity, Screen Time and Sleep among Youth Participating and Non-Participating in Organized Sports : The Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) Study
Objectives: The aim of this Health Promoting Sport Club (HPSC) study was to compare physical activity (PA), sleep time and screen time (ST) between sports club participants (n = 1200) and non-participants (n = 913). Design: A cross-sectional survey design was employed to assess PA, sleep and ST of adolescents. Methods: Information on these was collected from 14 to 16 year old adolescents (1200 sport club participants and 913 non-participants) through a standardized questionnaire. Results: Boys were more physically active than girls and met the PA guidelines more often than girls (p < 0.001). The proportion of youth reaching the PA guidelines was significantly higher among youth participants…
Additional file 1 of Factors associated with body size perception among adolescent goal-oriented sports participants and non-participants: a cross-sectional Finnish study
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table 1. Motives to exercise by competitive goals in sports. Supplementary Table 2. Motives to exercise by body size perception.
Health promotion activities of sports clubs and coaches, and health and health behaviours in youth participating in sports clubs: the Health Promoting Sports Club study
Introduction: Sports clubs form a potential setting for health promotion, but the research is limited. The aim of the Health Promoting Sports Club (HPSC) study was to elucidate the current health promotion activities of youth sports clubs and coaches, and to investigate the health behaviours and health status of youth participating in sports clubs compared to non-participants. Methods and analysis: The study design employs cross-sectional multilevel and multimethod research with aspirations to a prospective cohort study in the next phase. The setting-based variables at sports clubs and coaching levels, and health behaviour variables at the individual level, are investigated using surveys; a…
Sports and exercise medicine clinic in public hospital settings: A real-life concept and experiences of the treatment of the first 1151 patients
AbstractExercise has been shown to have a multitude of health-promoting effects, including improvements in cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, function, symptoms and risk factors. Furthermore, exercise may slow down, stop or even reverse the progression of various non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Despite the overwhelming evidence, exercise is still not comprehensively used as a treatment component either in primary care or in hospital settings. The outpatient Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic (SEMC) is the first specialized clinic in Finland to use exercise as part of patient protocols in the public health care system. Patients needing specialist attention due to NCDs, usually combin…
Low back and neck and shoulder pain in members and non-members of adolescents' sports clubs : the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study
Background The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of self-reported low back pain (LBP) and neck and shoulder pain (NSP), and the related factors in members and non-members of adolescents’ sports clubs. Methods This cross-sectional study was based on surveys of 14–16-year-olds as a part of the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) Study. The surveys on self-reported health behaviours, injuries, and musculoskeletal health were conducted among sports club members (n = 962) and non-members (n = 675). Binary logistic regression analysis was applied to study the associations between dependent variables of LBP and NSP, and the independent factors. Results The prevalen…
Haemoglobin, iron status and lung function of adolescents participating in organised sports in the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club Study
ObjectivesTo compare laboratory test results and lung function of adolescent organised sports participants (SP) with non-participants (NP).MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, laboratory tests (haemoglobin, iron status), and flow-volume spirometry were performed on SP youths (199 boys, 203 girls) and their NP peers (62 boys, 114 girls) aged 14–17.ResultsHaemoglobin concentration <120/130 g/L was found in 5.8% of SP and 5.1% NP (OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.68). Ferritin concentration below 15 µg/L was found in 22.7% of both SP and NP girls. Among boys ferritin <30 µg/L was found in 26.5% of SP and 30.2% of NP (OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.40 to 1.47). Among SP iron supplement use was reported by 3…
The associations between adolescents’ sports club participation and dietary habits
For adolescent athletes, data on nutrition behaviours are limited. The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary habits of adolescent sports club participants (SPs) compared with those of non‐participants (NPs). The cross‐sectional study of 1917 adolescents aged 14–16 was based on data from the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study. The health behaviour surveys were conducted among SPs (n=1093) and NPs (n=824). Logistic regression was used to test statistical significance of the differences in dietary habits between SPs and NPs. SPs were more likely than NPs to eat breakfast on weekends [89% vs. 79%, odds ratio (OR) 1.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07–2.01] and to report …
Musculoskeletal examination in young athletes and non-athletes:the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study
ObjectivesTo determine the inter-rater repeatability of a musculoskeletal examination and to compare findings between adolescent athletes and non-athletes in Finland.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, a musculoskeletal examination assessing posture, mobility and movement control was carried out by a sports and exercise medicine physician on 399 athletes aged 14–17 years and 177 non-athletes. Within 2 weeks another sports and exercise medicine physician repeated the examination for 41 adolescents to test the inter-rater repeatability.ResultsIn total, 10 of the 11 tests performed had at least moderate inter-rater reliability (κ ≥0.4 or percentage agreement >80%). Athletes more often tha…
Resting electrocardiogram and blood pressure in young athletes and nonathletes : A 4-year follow-up
A follow-up data on electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure (BP) changes in adolescent athletes are scarce. We compared ECG and BP between adolescent athletes and non-athletes in a 4-year follow-up. A total of 154 youth sports clubs (SC) in Finland and 100 secondary schools for comparison data participated in this observational follow-up study. Those who maintained or adopted SC participation are referred to as “Always athletes” (n=137), those who never participated in SC as “Never athletes” (n=108) and those who dropped out of SC during the follow-up as “Changers” (n=116). The mean age of the participants was 15.5 (0.6) years in all study groups at baseline. Resting ECG including heart …
Menstrual dysfunction and body weight dissatisfaction among Finnish young athletes and non-athletes.
To determine the prevalence of menstrual dysfunction (MD; i.e. oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) and attitudes towards body weight among athletes and non‐athletes, we studied a cohort of athletes and non‐athletes, in adolescence (14–16 years) and subsequently in young adulthood (18–20 years). We further studied the differences between athletes reporting MD and eumenorrheic athletes at both time periods and identified physical and behavioural characteristicsthat might predict MD in young adulthood. Data were collected using questionnaires, accelerometers, and a pre‐participation screening. In adolescence, the athletes reported current primary amenorrhea more often than the non‐athletes (4.7% vs.…
Resting Electrocardiogram and Blood Pressure in Young Endurance and Nonendurance Athletes and Nonathletes.
Context Much information is available on electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure (BP) changes in senior athletes. However, corresponding data on adolescent athletes are scarce. Objective To study the differences in resting ECG and BP values among adolescent endurance athletes, nonendurance athletes, and nonathletes. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting A total of 154 youth sports clubs in Finland and 100 secondary schools for comparison data. Patients or Other Participants We recruited young athletes (n = 410) aged 14 to 16 years in 10 popular sport disciplines, including winter and summer as well as team and individual sports, and categorized them as endurance or nonendurance sports. …
Acute and overuse injuries among sports club members and non-members : the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study
Background Physical activity in adolescence is promoted for its multi-dimensional health benefits. However, too intensive sports participation is associated with an increased injury risk. Our aim was to compare the occurrence of acute and overuse injuries in Finnish sports club members and non-members and to report training and competing habits associated with a higher injury risk in sports club members. Methods In this cross-sectional survey targeted at 14–16-year-old adolescents, a structured questionnaire was completed by 1077 sports club members and 812 non-members. The main outcome measures were self-reported acute and overuse injuries, their location and type. Results At least one acu…