Giuseppe Scordo
Teoria stocastica dei serbatoi - modellazione e potenzialità
Water transfer from Basilicata to Puglia: a technical, economic and institutional challenge
Teoria stocastica dei serbatoi - Studio a scala mensile
L’approccio probabilistico nello studio della gestione delle risorse idriche
Un modello di simulazione/ottimizzazione per la scelta delle alternative infrastrutturali in un sistema idrico complesso
Assessing priority of intervention on water distribution networks with reduced information
Sistema di supporto alle decisioni negli interventi di manutenzione delle reti di distribuzione idrica in condizioni di informazioni limitate
Implementation of a software about the probability theory of reservoirs.
Teoria stocastica dei serbatoi, studio a scala mensile
The first step in the management and replacement strategy of water distribution network: the analysis of main failures
Applicabilità della teoria stocastica dei serbatoi nei sistemi idrici complessi
Water transfer from Basilicata to Puglia: a technical, economic and institutional challenge
The necessity of supplying Puglia by transfer of water resources from Basilicata (250 Mm/year mainly for civil use but also for agricultural and industrial uses) and another bordering region (Campania for 200 Mm/year only for civil use) arises from the scarcity of water resources inside Puglia, where precipitation is very low (400 mm/year), rivers are few and with limited watersheds and costal aquifers are overexploited with salt intrusion. Moreover recent droughts have pointed out the need for revising water supply policy in Puglia, looking for the increment of the transfer of water resources from Basilicata (50 Mm/year) and Campania (32 Mm/year) and the development of feasibility studies …
A simulation/optimization model for selecting infrastructure alternatives in complex water resource systems
The paper introduces a simulation/optimization procedure for the assessment and the selection of infrastructure alternatives in a complex water resources system, i.e. in a multisource (reservoirs) multipurpose bulk water supply scheme. An infrastucture alternative is here a vector X of n decision variables describing the candidate expansions/new plants/water transfers etc. Each parameter may take on a discrete number of values, with its own investment cost attached. The procedure uses genetic algorithms for the search of the optimal vector X through operators mimicking the mechanisms of natural selection. For each X, the value of the objective function (O.F.) is assessed via a simulation mo…