Gina Garland

Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique

International audience; Biodiversity loss has become a global concern as increasing evidence highlights the importance of diverse species interactions as the main drivers of the ecosystem services on which society depends. This symposium focuses on the importance of above and belowground biodiversity for ecosystem functioning, multifunctionality and sustainability. Various talks will highlight the importance of biodiversity for agro-ecosystem functioning as this symposium is linked to the Biodiversa research project “Agricultural Diversification: Digging Deeper” investigating the importance of agricultural crop diversification.

research product

Impact of land use, pesticide application and agricultural management practices on the phosphorus foraging capacity of mycorrhizal fungi in 217 european agricultural soils

More than 80% of vascular plants form symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Several studies have shown the potential of AMF to provide plants with phosphorus (P) via their hyphal network. Most of these studies have been performed in the greenhouse under controlled conditions using standardized soil mixtures. However, few studies have investigated hyphal P transfer in natural soils, severely limiting our understanding of the main drivers of P transfer by AMF in real agricultural soils. As a consequence, the potential of using AMF as a tool to increase crop yield remains a mystery. Using agricultural soils from a large field observation study in Europe, we aimed at a…

research product