M. Carella
A laboratory comparison of Individual Targis/Vectris posts with standard fiberglass posts
This article presents an in vitro analysis of a specific occlusal loading test on endodontically treated teeth restored with 2 different composite post materials. Individual, customized posts (IFPs) were compared to standard fiberglass posts (SFPs). The selected IFPs (standard cylindric Targis/Vectris posts) were compared to SFPs (Conic 6% Post, Ghimas). The posts were first subjected to a 3-point bending test to compare their flexural elastic properties. They were then used to restore 22 endodontically treated artificial maxillary central incisors and subjected to a specific occlusal loading simulation test. The loading test showed that IFP restorations performed better than SFP restoratio…
Survivin detection in saliva samples from patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma
Carotid intimal-media thickness and endothelial function in young patients with history of myocardial infarction
AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of carotid atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction in 45 young patients (38 mens and 7 females) with myocardial infarction (MI), age 29-45, mean age 42+/-3 years, to verify its possible role as a marker of coronary atherosclerosis. METHODS: Vascular echography was performed to verify the presence of carotid atherosclerosis and/or endothelial dysfunction in 45 young patients with MI and in 45 healthy control subjects well matched for age and sex. RESULTS: We observed a normal intima media thickness (IMT) only in 30% of patients with juvenile myocardial infarction (JMI) compared with 66% in the control group (P<0.0001) and 34% of pa…
Geomatic applications tourban park in palermo
Over the last few years topographical techniques have developed an exponential trend towards simplifying and speeding, both survey operations and analysis of data collected reaching at the same time ever higher levels of accuracy. Among the technologies that are increasingly taking the field in this context is part of the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) that, on any mobile platform, combines sensors and measurement systems designed to provide a 3D position of the platform and, at the same time, capable to acquire geographic data without the aid of control points on the ground. The study reported concerns the verification of the reliability metrics and a qualitative MMS in order to evaluate its …
Abstract. This article summarizes the experience gained between 2012 and 2013 by the department of "Civil Engineering, Environmental, Aerospace and Materials" of University of Palermo on the integrated survey of Ninni Park Cassara Park in Palermo and the subsequent testing of methods, tools and techniques based on current research regarding the acquisition and processing of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data and laser-scanner. A fruitful time dedicated to the design of the survey has allowed us to become aware of the critical issues that the site presents because of its vast extent and diversity in size and number of the elements of which it is composed. The work has been addres…
Rilievo ed elaborazione di dati laser acquisiti con sistemi MMS in un parco urbano
Questo articolo riassume l'esperienza acquisita tra il 2012 e il 2013 dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale e dei Materiali dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo per l'indagine integrata del Parco Ninni Cassarà a Palermo, Italia, e la successiva sperimentazione di metodi, strumenti e tecniche basate su ricerche in corso, per quanto riguarda l'acquisizione e l'elaborazione dei dati GNSS e laser Scanner. Il lavoro è stato affrontato al fine di selezionare le tecniche meno costose e veloci da applicare in fase di acquisizione. Dopo la prima monumentazione di sedici punti di controllo distribuiti all'interno del sito e rilevati con ricevitori GNSS, la è stata pianific…
Rilievo di un parco urbano con integrazione delle tecniche GNSS, NRTK, Laser Scanner e MMS
Questo articolo riassume l'esperienza dei ricercatori del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM) dell'Università di Palermo nell'ambito del rilievo di un parco urbano e la sperimentazione di strumenti, tecniche e metodi innovativi. Da piu di vent'anni il Parco d'Orleans, adiacente il campus Universitario di Palermo, rappresenta un laboratorio all'interno del quale effettuare sperimentazioni di alto livello scientifico. Recentemente, una parte di questo parco è stato intitolato alla memoria di Ninni Cassarà, vice questore della Polizia di Stato e collaboratore di Giovanni Falcone. Esso si estende lungo la parte della campagna palermitana che va dal…