Delfina Dualde Beltrán
Empleo de patrones de imagen en la identificación de metástasis cervical mediante tomografía computarizada en tumores de cabeza y cuello
Objetivo Evaluar la seguridad diagnostica que proporcionan las imagenes de tomografia computarizada (TC) para identificar la extension regional de tumores de cabeza y cuello (CC). Pacientes y metodo Se efectuo TC a 86 pacientes diagnosticados de neoplasia de faringe y/o laringe que despues fueron intervenidos, con un total de 142 vaciamientos ganglionares. En el estudio de imagen se consideraron los siguientes parametros radiologicos para sospechar afeccion ganglionar: tamano de la adenopatia > 10-11 mm, margenes mal definidos, necrosis central, forma esferica, realce capsular y agrupacion de tres o mas adenopatias. Resultados El 48,5 % de los vaciamientos resultaron N+. La sensibilidad y l…
[Use of imaging criteria to identify cervical metastases using CT scans in head and neck tumours].
Abstract Objective To assess the diagnostic certainty of CT images to identify regional spread of head and neck tumours. Patients and method A CT study was performed on 86 patients with neoplasms in the larynx and/or pharynx. After this, surgical dissection was performed for 142 neck sides. In the imaging study the following parameters were considered for all patients before suspecting malignant nodes: size of adenopathy bigger than 10–11 mm, irregular borders, central necrosis, spherical shape, capsular enhancement, and presence of groups with 3 or more lymphadenopathies. Results 48.5% of dissections were N+. Sensitivity and specificity for physical examination were 59% and 82%, respective…
Encefalitis y abscesificación cerebral como complicación de una sinusitis frontal aguda en un niño = Encephalitis and brain abscesification as a complication of acute frontal sinusitis in a child
Sinusitis are infectious-inflammatory processes of the pneumatic paranasal cavities. Among the complications of acute sinusitis, we can find intracranial involvement, with meningoencephalitis and even extra or subdural abscesses. In this article we describe a case of meningoencephalitis and subdural empyemas associated with acute frontal sinusitis in a 12-year-old child who presented to the emergency room referring altered level of consciousness and right hemiparesis. Computed tomography scan and brain magnetic resonance imaging studies were performed, evidencing left frontal sinus occupation, accompanied by extensive hypercaptant defects in the left cerebral hemisphere, with formation of s…