Crystal structure and electronic properties of bis(mepirizole) copper(II) perchlorate. Correlation between the electronic spectrum and CuN4 chromophore distortion from tetrahedral symmetry
The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined from single-crystal x-ray diffraction data. The crystals are tetragonal, space group P42212, withz=2 in a unit cell of dimensionsa=b=9.575(2),c=16.135(5) A. The structure was solved by the usual Patterson and Fourier techniques, and was refined by least-squares analysis to an R value of 0.057 for 545 observed reflexions. Two mepirizole molecules are arranged in a flattened tetrahedral manner (average Cu-N, 1.974 A) around Cu, and coordinated through N atoms. The dihedral angle between N-Cu-N planes of the two ligands is 53.6+°. This geometry seems to result from steric interaction between the ligands. The e.s.r. spectrum is axi…