S. Perasso
Journal of High Energy Physics
The Double Chooz experiment presents improved measurements of the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ using the data collected in 467.90 live days from a detector positioned at an average distance of 1050 m from two reactor cores at the Chooz nuclear power plant. Several novel techniques have been developed to achieve significant reductions of the backgrounds and systematic uncertainties with respect to previous publications, whereas the efficiency of the $\bar\nu_{e}$ signal has increased. The value of $\theta_{13}$ is measured to be $\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} = 0.090 ^{+0.032}_{-0.029}$ from a fit to the observed energy spectrum. Deviations from the reactor $\bar\nu_{e}$ prediction observed ab…
Final results of Borexino Phase-I on low-energy solar neutrino spectroscopy
Borexino has been running since May 2007 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy with the primary goal of detecting solar neutrinos. The detector, a large, unsegmented liquid scintillator calorimeter characterized by unprecedented low levels of intrinsic radioactivity, is optimized for the study of the lower energy part of the spectrum. During Phase-I (2007–2010), Borexino first detected and then precisely measured the flux of the Be 7 solar neutrinos, ruled out any significant day-night asymmetry of their interaction rate, made the first direct observation of the pep neutrinos, and set the tightest upper limit on the flux of solar neutrinos produced in the CNO cycle …
Precision Muon Reconstruction in Double Chooz
We describe a muon track reconstruction algorithm for the reactor anti-neutrino experiment Double Chooz. The Double Chooz detector consists of two optically isolated volumes of liquid scintillator viewed by PMTs, and an Outer Veto above these made of crossed scintillator strips. Muons are reconstructed by their Outer Veto hit positions along with timing information from the other two detector volumes. All muons are fit under the hypothesis that they are through-going and ultrarelativistic. If the energy depositions suggest that the muon may have stopped, the reconstruction fits also for this hypothesis and chooses between the two via the relative goodness-of-fit. In the ideal case of a thro…
Neutrinos from the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun
International audience; In the core of the Sun, energy is released through sequences of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium. The primary reaction is thought to be the fusion of two protons with the emission of a low-energy neutrino. These so-called pp neutrinos constitute nearly the entirety of the solar neutrino flux, vastly outnumbering those emitted in the reactions that follow. Although solar neutrinos from secondary processes have been observed, proving the nuclear origin of the Sun's energy and contributing to the discovery of neutrino oscillations, those from proton-proton fusion have hitherto eluded direct detection. Here we report spectral observations of pp neutrin…
Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector
Using the Double Chooz detector, designed to measure the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, the products of $\mu^-$ capture on $^{12}$C, $^{13}$C, $^{14}$N and $^{16}$O have been measured. Over a period of 489.5 days, $2.3\times10^6$ stopping cosmic $\mu^-$ have been collected, of which $1.8\times10^5$ captured on carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen nuclei in the inner detector scintillator or acrylic vessels. The resulting isotopes were tagged using prompt neutron emission (when applicable), the subsequent beta decays, and, in some cases, $\beta$-delayed neutrons. The most precise measurement of the rate of $^{12}\mathrm C(\mu^-,\nu)^{12}\mathrm B$ to date is reported: $6.57^{+0.11}_{-0.21}\time…
SiPM cryogenic operation down to 77 K
International audience; Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) is composed of extremely sensitive photosensors based on the Geiger Mode Avalanche PhotoDiode (GM-APD), which operate as a digital pixel sensitive to single photons. SiPMs are being considered for applications in low temperature environments, such as noble-liquid detectors for dark matter searches or neutrino physics and GM-APD is promising technology for space Compton telescopes. While it is well known that the dark count rate, one of the main limitations of SiPM, is reduced at low temperature, a detailed study of the behavior of the device in cryogenic environment is necessary to assess its performances. In this paper, we present meas…
Absence of a day-night asymmetry in the7Be solar neutrino rate in Borexino
We report on a search for the day-night asymmetry of the Be-7 solar neutrino rate measured by Borexino at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy. The measured value, Adn=0.001 +- 0.012 (stat) +- 0.007 (syst), shows the absence of a significant asymmetry. This result alone rejects the so-called LOW solution at more than 8.5 sigma. Combined with the other solar neutrino data, it isolates the Large Mixing Angle (LMA) -- MSW solution at DeltaChi2 > 190 without relying on the assumption of CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector. We also show that including the day-night asymmetry, data from Borexino alone restricts the MSW neutrino oscillations to the LMA solution at 90% confidence l…
Measurement of θ13 in Double Chooz using neutron captures on hydrogen with novel background rejection techniques
The Double Chooz collaboration presents a measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ[subscript 13] using reactor [bar over ν[subscript e]] observed via the inverse beta decay reaction in which the neutron is captured on hydrogen. This measurement is based on 462.72 live days data, approximately twice as much data as in the previous such analysis, collected with a detector positioned at an average distance of 1050 m from two reactor cores. Several novel techniques have been developed to achieve significant reductions of the backgrounds and systematic uncertainties. Accidental coincidences, the dominant background in this analysis, are suppressed by more than an order of magnitude with respec…