Francisco De-la-corte
Additional file 1: of Predictors of short- and long-term adherence with a Mediterranean-type diet intervention: the PREDIMED randomized trial
Table S1. Odds of high adherence with the MedDiet intervention at two and three years of follow-up. Table S2. Odds of high adherence with the MedDiet intervention using alternate adherence score cut-points. Table S3. Odds of adherence with olive oil and nut consumption after 1 and 4 years of follow-up. Table S4. Odds of high adherence with the MedDiet intervention at one yeara, restricting the analyses to those participants recruited before 2006. Table S5. Adherence at one year of follow-up according to a 14-point dietary adherence score and year of recruitment into PREDIMED. Table S6. Odds of high adherence with the MedDiet intervention at one and four years of follow-upa, with alternate r…
Additional file 3: of Predictors of short- and long-term adherence with a Mediterranean-type diet intervention: the PREDIMED randomized trial
Consort 2010 Checklist. (DOC 219 kb)
Additional file 2: of Predictors of short- and long-term adherence with a Mediterranean-type diet intervention: the PREDIMED randomized trial
Figure S1. Validated 14-item questionnaire of mediterranean diet adherence (DOCX 205 kb)