Sylvie Recous
Collecte et valorisation « open science » des données de décomposition des litières végétales dans les sols
National audience; La décomposition des litières végétales dans les sols a été largement étudiée notamment en raison de l’importance des processus environnementaux mis en jeu. En effet, le recyclage des biomasses végétales permet tout d’abord d’alimenter la biodiversité microbienne des sols. Ces microorganismes sont essentiels pour la qualité des sols puisque les mécanismes de dégradation dont ils sont à l’origine permettent le bouclage des cycles biogéochimiques en assurant la nutrition minérale des cultures en place. De plus, le recyclage des litières végétales alimente le puits de carbone du sol, ce qui contribue à limiter la teneur en dioxyde de carbone de l’atmosphère impliqué dans le …
Des données ouvertes sur la décomposition des litières végétales dans les sols selon divers contextes agronomiques et pédoclimatiques
International audience
Dynamics of changes in the soil organic matter, functional diversity and C and N fluxes after shift in agricultural practices of an annual crops rotation under conventional agriculture
International audience; Introduction and objectives Agricultural practices (e.g. crop rotation, tillage) lead to profound changes in soil properties, ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) and functioning (e.g. ecosystem services). Whereas this has been very often characterized in the medium and long terms, little is known so far about how fast soil properties respond to changing practices at the time scale (year to several years) in which farmers take their decision in the management of their crops. In agricultural systems, increasing consideration is given to soil biodiversity, whose role has long been overlooked by agronomists, but whose preservation in now recognized as key for maintai…
Biochemical Quality of Crop Residues and Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization Kinetics under Nonlimiting Nitrogen Conditions
International audience; Statistical relationships were established between the fate of C and N from 47 types of crop residues and their biochemical characteristics during a soil incubation at 15°C. The incubations were carried out under nonlimiting N in order to differentiate the effects of biochemical characteristics of residues from those of soil N availability. Depending on the residue, the apparent mineralization of residue C after 168 d varied from 330 to 670 g kg−1 of added C. Mineralization kinetics were described using a two-compartment decomposition model that decomposes according to first-order kinetics. Amounts of C mineralized after 7 d and the decomposition rate coefficient of …
Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector: abatement potential and cost of technical measures
National audience
Soil environmental conditions rather than denitrifier abundance and diversity drive potential denitrification after changes in land uses
Land-use practices aiming at increasing agro-ecosystem sustainability, e.g. no-till systems and use of temporary grasslands, have been developed in cropping areas, but their environmental benefits could be counterbalanced by increased N2O emissions produced, in particular during denitrification. Modelling denitrification in this context is thus of major importance. However, to what extent can changes in denitrification be predicted by representing the denitrifying community as a black box, i.e. without an adequate representation of the biological characteristics (abundance and composition) of this community, remains unclear. We analysed the effect of changes in land uses on denitrifiers for…
Les organismes du sol comme indicateurs du fonctionnement des sols en grandes cultures
International audience
Hétérogénéité spatiale de l'activité des microorganismes décomposeurs des matières organiques dans les sols. Mise en évidence, paramètres explicatifs
AIP Ecosol 1995-1998 : rapport final de projet *INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles Diffusion du document : INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles; National audience
Modélisation du bilan environnemlental d'une culture de colza
International audience
Synchronie entre l'offre et la demande dans le cycle des nutriments: apprendre des écosystèmes naturels pour construire des agrosystèmes durables
Redesigning agrosystems with more ecological regulations can help feed a growing population, preserve soils for future productivity and reduce environmental impacts. However, guidelines for redesigning agrosystems from natural systems are limited. Reviewing the last knowledge of ecosystem functioning, we outlined four ecological systems synchronizing the supply of soluble nutrients by soil biota to fluctuating plant nutrient demand. This synchrony limits deficiencies and excesses of soluble nutrient, which usually penalize both production and regulating services of agrosystems such as nutrient retention and soil carbon storage. We detail how ecological systems promoting synchrony can be ins…
Agricultural advances
CT3 ; Département E.A. ; SOFIA; Agricultural advances